The Triangle - Mother of all Form

If we look at the world from a purely geometric perspective, the first manifestation is a single Point in Space. A unity of no - thing from which every - thing comes. If we divide this point into two, we then have two points in space joined by a line. From the unity of the Point to the polarity of the Line. These two things exist as Ideas they have no physical dimensions. If we add a third point  and we join all the points together we have the Triangle. This gives us the first fundamental shape in our universe.

You could say the Triangle is no longer a pure Idea but neither is it a 3 dimensional object - it is a bridge between the inner and outer worlds. A triangle has a surface area, delineated by the 3 relationships between the points but it has no volume, it is 2 dimensional. In India it is called ‘Mother’ as it is the shape or channel which gives birth to all forms. The Triangle is a principle of Creation - through which the transcendent power of Unity and its initial division of Polarity must pass to enter into the Manifest universe.

To quote from Alice A Bailey’s book, Esoteric Astrology, pg 429,” the triangle is the basic geometric form of all manifestation…..whether it is the manifestation of a solar system, the manifestation of the zodiacal round, the cosmic triplicities, or the tiny reflection of this divine triple whole which we call man”.

From the ‘3 ness’ of the triangle we manifest ‘4 ness’, symbolising the material world, in two ways:

creating the 4 sided square in 2 dimensional space or the 4 vertices of the tetrahedron in 3 dimensional space

In my last talk I explored the creation of the 12 pointed star from the intersection of two circles to form a Vesica Piscis. Here is the geometric sequence and as can be seen in the middle of the creative process the Square, in blue, is the next shape to be born from the Vesica after the Triangle.

If we draw a number of interlinked vesicas we can generate a series of regular polygonal shapes radiating out from this basic geometry, analogous to a tree with its roots and branches. At its centre is the Triangle, the ‘Mother’ shape in red. This kind of geometric exploration is 2 dimensional and stimulates our abstract symbolic way of thinking, in this realm mandalas are formed to aid us in stilling the lower mind so that the higher mind is activated in meditation practise.

If we now look at 3 dimensional space and the generation of the tetrahedron, in purely archetypal terms it is the first regular geometric solid found in Nature, one of five geometric solids made famous by Plato, the Platonic solids.

In our everyday material world all forms can be triangulated structurally to give them strength and rigidity as can be seen in engineered geodesic structures. The triangulation of non physical forces is used extensively, for example in electronic digital mapping using Global Positioning Satellite technology.


The word ‘material’ has its etymological roots in the latin word ‘Mater’ or Mother. Therefore in language terms ‘Triangle’, the Mother shape, relates to ‘Material’ and its myriad uses in our world.

Specifically in this work of Triangles during our group meditation we work with the Triangle in two ways:

  • In 2 dimensional space, we visualise the 12 pointed star symbol amongst other mandalas or symbols, to still our lower mind and penetrate into the non manifest universe via the higher mind.
  • In the 3 dimensional space we are asked to visualise illumined spherical triangles in etheric matter that stretch across the surface of our world and connect us up with two other people to form a network of triangles informed by the qualities of love, light and goodwill enveloping the planet. Please note the planet is missing from this image to emphasise the curving triangular relationships.  I have also included in this diagram a speculation.
  • Does our visualised triangles network, which may look like a ball of illumined wool wrapping around the planet every which way, at a higher level of etheric consciousness become a more formalised regular geodesic sphere? Something to ponder on.

Therefore our work is an act of creative will and the ability to use our imaginations singularly and collectively in a powerful way to engage with and remodel the etheric matter of our planet’s body. As we know, ‘Energy follows Thought’.

So to summarise:

  • The triangle is the bridging form between the non manifest and manifest universe.
  • The triangle is the generator or ‘Mother’ of all geometric forms.
  • The triangle can be used as a 2 dimensional abstract symbol or as a 3 dimensional material shape or object.

Thank you.