The World Today

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The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on March 12, 2018:

Our work brings together people of goodwill throughout the world who link up spiritually to help energise the Triangles network with the abundant and universal energies of light and goodwill. We create and visualise lighted strands of energy connecting us with our co-workers and the planetary network. As these strands of light become purer and stronger they enable the energy of goodwill to flow with increasing power, fluidity and ease throughout the planetary Whole.

As the network expands through the addition of new triangles, it becomes increasingly energetic with light and goodwill, and helps to anchor these energies more directly in human consciousness. At same time the network becomes more embedded and intertwined with the material substance of the physical plane, and therefore within the brain consciousness of human beings.

The network acts as a magnetic aura, an interface, through which the divine impressions can pass into the outer world. Since 1937, for over eighty years, Triangles has been instrumental in helping to uplift thinking, in redirecting human consciousness towards spiritual values, and in aiding the transportation of humanity into a new enlightened era. That we are still far from this goal is undoubtedly true, but since the end of the second world war, there has been a concerted and accelerated movement towards the expansion of human consciousness, the breaking down of separative thinking, a growing emphasis on the family of nations, the international community, and the expression of tolerance and understanding towards others of different nationalities, beliefs and religions. And, whilst communism has fallen by the wayside, fault lines can now be seen underlying the capitalist system. People of goodwill are questioning whether it is fit for purpose and whether it is rising to the challenges and meeting the needs of the many and not the few.

Triangles is a scientific spiritual technique to aid in the reconstruction of human thinking and to help cultivate those lasting changes in consciousness that more adequately reflect the soul of humanity, and spiritual values and principles. Few would disagree that the world today is a battleground of ideas, ideals, material and spiritual values, of contrasting perspectives and opinions. The new Aquarian values of sharing, co-operation, and serving the greater good, are resonating amongst a growing number, but there is still a sizeable majority that still embraces the old lines of crystallised and separative thinking, that need to be surmounted, if we are to take full advantage of the opportunities in the new Aquarian era for the benefit of all.

In the world today, the choices have probably never been clearer, and humanity, the world disciple, is awakening to the challenges that need to be addressed, with an added urgency. Issues that were thought to have been transcended, loom large again, but on a higher turn of the spiral, and in the light and awareness of a greater wisdom. All, ultimately, is making way and the ground being prepared for the reappearance of the Christ, the world Teacher, “Who waits in His high place until the demand is adequate and the cry clear enough to warrant His appearance”.

The unrelenting turmoil in the outer world is an excuse for many to seek refuge in the safe havens of the past. The vast movement of people across continents, the slow breakdown of the old established order which seems unable to rise to the challenges of the twenty first century, the ‘uncertainties’ of globalisation, and the clash of ideals, all contribute to a general sense of weariness, despondency and helplessness on the part of many to the flux and changing face of the world. And, like all crises, their source and their solution, lie in the realms of consciousness. Humanity is having to ‘dig deep’ and to draw upon all its resources to enter into a clearer light, and to move beyond the impasse and general clutter and distractions of the outer world.

This background and often foreground noise, such as the news channels, social media, music, unrelenting advertising and the like can be construed as an affront to our senses. But, nonetheless, they are a significant reflection of humanity in conversation with itself, a constant interaction of people everywhere throughout the world, communicating globally across all physical boundaries and barriers, relating people of diverse backgrounds with each other, as never before, and slowly revealing the truth of the One Humanity. Perhaps, these developments are an outer demonstration of an inner telepathic sensitivity within the human family, an interconnectedness, and a speed of communication throughout the ethers which is unparalleled in human history.

Perhaps, the current spotlight on right attitudes, behaviour and conduct are an indication that the penetrating light of Hierarchy is bringing to the surface the unredeemed aspects of human expression that need to be addressed in a clearer light.

Triangles works in the realms of consciousness, with attitudes, perspectives, and ideas, through which the human family expresses its values or lack of them. But there is much hope and much to celebrate in the world today. And, quite possibly, it won’t be too much longer, before the weight of public opinion, inspired by the group of world servers, swings on to the side of the Forces of Light and of Beauty. Out of the tumultuous conditions in the world will emerge a wiser humanity, more attuned to the Aquarian impulses, and to the footsteps of the Christ, Whom we all serve.