Thinking, feeling and action, a triangular relationship

The Primeval Triangle

Triangles Meditation Group Webinar

February 27, 2023

Michael Galloway

The Triangle is a universal symbol recognized by religions and philosophies throughout antiquity as a great symbol of Deity. The primeval trinity—Mother, Father and Son—is represented with only slight variation in practically every major cosmogeny. Mother is the great symbol of Nature and Matter. Father—fire, the invisible deity whose Will brings all things into existence. The Son is the manifesting Light, the sum total of all building forces and therefore the entire Cosmos.

While the Triangle is the symbol of the manifested Deity, the circle is the symbol of the Unmanifested, Incognizable and Unknowable One from which it springs forth. The circle represents Boundless Space from which emerges the central point, the “first-born” or Logos. Though metaphysically the circle has no number and can come under no calculation, once it “falls” into the manifested world, the central point appears and a diameter is drawn. The first line or diameter is Mother-Father, yet upon reaching the circumference the Son is said to separate from the Mother and “the Word goes Forth”. The Son is the Logos or Word and His separation from Father-Mother marks the individualization of all the Cosmic Forces. These are the great builders which construct the Universe—Spirit and Substance in their many grades of blending and merging. Behind this great differentiation of forces, stands the Triangle as the triple Godhead, the three-in-one, the great symbol of Cosmogenesis, the generation of all that lives and moves.

The number three also has special relevance to the evolutionary process, for though the triangle is the preeminent symbol of Deity in the macrocosm, in man the Triangle is the soul which is the linking principle between the lowest and highest aspects of our nature. The soul is represented by the Triangle for it is triple in its nature (love, intellect, and sacrificial will), and it is microcosmically the Son or progeny of Spirit and Matter, thus producing the third and synthesizing point between them.

Collectively, humanity is destined to be the planetary light-bearer and contains within it the prototype of all manifested Life on our earth. On our plane of consciousness, the Will is the special possession of the Human being who by this special power establishes dominion over all the forces of nature shepherding all life onwards towards the fulfillment of their evolutionary destiny. Every man and woman is potentially a perfected soul, a Lord of Will and Compassion.

The fulfillment of humanity’s evolutionary potential sees the Plan brought to an advanced stage of fulfilment in part by means of the right application of the Human Will to the other kingdoms in nature. We are told that this will result in a special quality of light being emitted from our planet, and that this will make a special contribution to the greater cosmic life in which our planet is only one part. The evolution of Humanity is the evolution of the human soul and this necessarily takes place upon the plane of mind. The Secret Doctrine tells us that the numbers 3, 4, and 5 hold the secret to the evolution of consciousness in our solar system—and likewise to human evolution as well.

The relationship of these numbers is perhaps most obvious in consideration of what we call the Antahkarana. The Antahkarana is the great bridge in consciousness which links across the entire mental plane (the fifth plane). The Antahkarana links the lower and the higher mind. It is the Path itself which the aspirant must construct from the medium of his or her own nature—that is the content of one’s consciousness as it is evoked and woven in all aspects of one’s living: subjective and objective, personal and relational.

In an explication of the relation of the numbers 3 and 4, the Secret Doctrine states that on the highest plane of abstraction the number 4 is the male principle while 3 is feminine and that on the plane of matter the role is reversed. We can postulate then that the soul being the mediating principle at the center of the fifth or mental plane works through the medium of these two Triangles in the construction of the Antahkarana or bridge of light, of ascending radiance and descending illumination synthesizing the lower into the higher and bringing the higher into perfect expression below. The higher Triangle, being feminine, is a means through which macrocosmic forces and energies of a higher order can filter into human thought and ideation. While the lower Triangle, being masculine, is the means of ascent and projection towards the Higher. This of course produces the symbol popularly know as Solomon’s seal or the Star of Vishnu.

As we visualize the Triangles network and take part in this very important activity, we can imagine that every Triangle is a symbol not just of Deity and the emergence of light, but a means of projection on one hand and reception on the other. Through the collective web, energies of a very high order can find their way into our planetary life ‘from above’ and be circulated ‘below’ thereby completing the divine circulatory flow of light and love throughout the manifested all.
