Triangles of Living Energy

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on April 10, the day of the Aries / Easter full moon.

We work today in this time of safeguarding of the Aries full moon period.  This energy, with its first ray impulse, is bringing to our attention the horrors that humanity inflicts upon the innocent.  Let us hold ourselves as aligned as we can during this period so that the spiritual forces available to us can work through the cable created and pour out their lighted beneficence into human minds and hearts, thus fostering thoughforms of solution to global crises and aiding humanity to act under spiritual impression.  

In the natural world the living vitality of these energies are awakening the animal and vegetable worlds.  But on the inner planes the energies are stronger, emanating as they do from Hierarchical levels and beyond and this vitality needs harnessing and directing and to that task Triangles members everywhere can contribute.  This festival celebrates the triumph of life over death--in fact declares that death does not exist; that there is no separation and that there is entry into greater life.  Indeed the deathbed can be a joyous occasion for the departing soul and his or her family.  And so despite the present destruction we witness all around it behooves us to keep our thoughts focused on the light, bringing in the light.  And there is joy in this.

At the time of these three spiritual festivals the World Teacher stands at the center of the planetary etheric body, the energetic body of light, radiating spiritual energy to all corners of the Earth.  Triangles workers everywhere are part of that radiant life and light as He in turn is part of the Father, the Planetary Logos,--and through our work, in conjunction with all Triangles members we solidify the linking between that great planetary triangle of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity.  The energy radiating from this triangle unites these three kingdoms and through that union all life is and kingdoms are linked one with the other.  The basic function of the planetary etheric body is to receive and distribute energy and in this task the planetary network of Triangles has a part to play. Through the medium of the etheric every human being is related to every other human being and so as the network radiates light and goodwill Triangles serves to aid in the process of synthesis and the breaking down the walls of separation. At this time when Christians everywhere are preparing to celebrate the Easter Festival, the Triangles network can serve as a vehicle that can channel and augment human aspiration and then pour it out in a floodtide of light and love into human hearts and minds everywhere in the world.

When we work together in Triangles we have an opportunity for the intermingling of auras.  We have all worked at the purification of our lower vehicles -- the physical-etheric, the emotional and the lower mental vehicles -- and because of this work we have burnt off some of the dross that normally short-circuits the sense of connectedness and prevents the fuller and wider realization of relationship.  We are fortunate for as Triangles members we consciously know ourselves to be a part of a vast group or web of interrelationship-- interrelationships formed between like-minded people in all parts of the world. These webinars are a microcosm of that larger network. We have members from many different countries--Australia, New Zealand, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Brazil, the United States, England, Greece, The Czech Republic, Russia,  France, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, and many others.   Triangles knows no boundaries, is not limited by national identity, race, ethnicity, but instead celebrates the oneness of the human family and the sense of interrelationship.  As we are living in a time when the enforcement of borders and when nationalism is on the rise, our participation in Triangles is an affirmation that the “sons of men and women are one” and “we are one with them.”  

The etheric body is sometimes known as the “body of the Sun.”  And as the World Teacher stands at the center of the planetary etheric we can understand this phrase to mean on one level that when we participate in Triangles we are literally forming part of the body of the Son of God--the Son of the Father, the World Teacher.  When the etheric is purified, it becomes the transmitter of pure spiritual prana.  It therefore brings in that life more abundantly.  At this time great forces are being released through the agency of this planetary etheric body, known as the Forces of Restoration--transmitted by an overshadowing Life under the direction of the World Teacher known as the Spirit of Resurrection.  So as we work together during this time when the sun is in Aries, let each of us play our part in enabling life to flow into our world.


Each Monday at 3:00 pm (New York); 8:00 pm (London) and 9:00 pm (Geneva) we hold a “live” webinar to support and strengthen the planetary network of Triangles. Please join us.