Unity in Diversity

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on April 17, 2017

It is awesome to behold the countless galaxies in the night sky and their celestial movement orchestrated with divine precision. And, likewise, we cannot but wonder at the richness and diversity of living forms on our small planet. All of life interweaves and interpenetrates on a scale that is inconceivable to the human mind and senses. The shifting kaleidoscope of form reflects the expanding awareness that is ceaselessly taking place at every level of life.

 It is paradoxical that spiritual teachings affirm that ‘life is one’. Yet, however true this may be in theory, in practice this is not the case. There is a gap, a hiatus in human consciousness that has yet to be bridged linking the higher transcendent realms with the outer world of form. The ageless wisdom alludes to this dichotomy and its resolution.

 In the world today, there is a rich seam of spiritual truth and thought that, studied carefully and expressed practically, will give credence and veracity to the proposition of unity in diversity. We may not understand why the unity becomes a trinity, the trinity a septenate, and how the septenate leads to yet further mutation and diversity. Nor, can we have but the faintest understanding why eventually all will be resolved back into the One. Yet, we do know that the seeming diversity of form is but a reflection of the differing stages of consciousness of all evolving lives and that ultimately all have a part to play in this unfolding drama.

 We are emerging into an age that will transcend the outer differences and recognise the underlying essence that links form with form, kingdom with kingdom and planet with planet. The faint beginnings of an integral or holistic approach to differentiation and complexity are being mapped out in the minds of leading visionary thinkers worldwide. Reverential and deep ecology; Gaia; Spiral Dynamics; the bridging of Eastern philosophical and Western scientific thinking; interfaith initiatives; the growing trend towards the idea of an international community, and the expression of right relationships are all indicative of a movement towards the resolution of the diverse strands of human thought into a more integrated and cohesive paradigm. Intuitive spiritual thinkers are also adding their testimony to this ongoing planetary transformation to reveal the spiritual dimension that lies back of manifested existence.

 Triangles, too, is helping to overcome the seeming complexities of the outer world and unveil the underlying universal pattern of wholeness that is slowly dawning. The building of the planetary etheric web into a lighted, triangular matrix permeated with the quality of goodwill is impressing receptive minds upon the science of right relationships and the resolution of differentiation into unity. A new awareness is emerging, bridging the inner and the outer worlds. Transcending the limitation of form, human thinking is awakening from its deep slumber to the reality of unity in diversity.


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