US/Russia/Great Britain: Triangles and the Destiny of Nations

(Slide 1) We’ve chosen this triangle as a starting point for today’s talk because of its significance to the world situation today and because of its importance in the coming Aquarian Age. Also, for its relevance to us and our work in triangles.

It is said in the teachings that the destiny of the planet lies in the hands of these three great fusing energies in the world.

The United States fuses and blends the western hemisphere and western Europe; Russia, eastern Europe and western and northern Asia; and Great Britain, previously the British Empire, now fuses and blends the Commonwealth of Nations around the world. So, these are considered to be the three major nations from the perspective of world synthesis.

Before the Aquarian Age is in full flowering, with its qualities of brotherhood and cooperation, there has to be a cleansing of the houses, a purification. This explains the tensions we see now within and between these three nations.

This upheaval and cleansing process will continue for some time. But it is said, that nothing can stop the eventual establishment of right human relations in the Divine Plan. However, that Plan can be delayed… or hastened, according to human choices, and we do not know the extent of suffering that might accompany the period of de-struction and re-con-struction.

(Slide 2) This table expands upon this information. We can see that Aquarius is the soul sign for Russia and the United States, and that Gemini rules Great Britain’s soul. However, the astrology of these three and all the inter-related influences is a topic for a whole other discussion. The ruling constellations, the planetary forces, they all carry different ray energies. But for our purpose today, I will just be referring briefly to the soul and personality ray of each nation.

As we know, the One, Divine Life expresses itself through seven types of ray energies. These influence the soul and personalities of individuals, as they do nations. And each of these ray energies has its virtues and vices.

History is the record of the effects of all these forces as they play upon humanity in its different stages of evolution. 

The souls of the United States and Great Britain are governed by Ray 2, the ray of Love-Wisdom. The soul of Russia is governed by the 7th Ray, which is the Ray of Ceremonial Order and Law. It is said this ray, in the coming age, will produce new forms of civilization, bringing together spirit and matter.

On the personality level, the US and Russia both have Ray 6 personalities. One example of the lower manifestation of the 6th ray of Idealism and Devotion is that of fanaticism and fundamentalism. The 6th ray, the most powerful ray in manifestation at this time, is, like the Piscean Age, coming to the end of its cycle. So, we see extremism making its last stand in the world.

Great Britain’s personality is on the first ray of Will and Power. It has ruled an empire, led the world in government, and its capital city London is one of the financial centres of the world. The 1st ray can also manifest as pride and a desire to dominate and separate.

It is said that the United States is still in its adolescent stage of development and that it can yet grow out of this and lead the world in the new cycle, through its inherent idealism and spirituality, illuminating the law of love.

Great Britain, it is said, has the capacity to be a liberating force and establish a world order of intelligent justice, in contrast to the path it’s now pursuing of withdrawal and separation.

Russia’s destiny in the Aquarian Age is to stand for a new world consciousness and spiritual revelation. Russia can be the bridge between East and West, between materialism and mysticism.

Will these three nations overcome their lower, personality and nationalistic tendencies and unite for the good of humanity, or sustain the present frictions through enmity, blame and distrust? It requires their leaders to avail themselves of forces of light rather than mischief and darkness.

And there are great changes afoot in the balance of power in the world and in its complex financial systems. The pre-war days of British Empire and power are over, and the post-war days of US dominance are coming to an end. Economic power is shifting from West to East. It’s possible that in this respect, a new world order, a new economic model will eventually emerge.

The current pattern of unequal distribution of wealth in the world is unsustainable. The misuse and abuse of Mother Earth; the stockpiling of nuclear arsenals and armaments; the lust for possession and power over others, over the powerless and less fortunate ---these too are unsustainable.

Presently, these three nations view each other with suspicion, and point their fingers at who they think is the greater aggressor. Yet no one nation can be said to be completely innocent, or completely guilty.

What is the whole truth behind conflicts in the Middle East, in Syria, in Israel and Palestine, in relation to Russia and the US, the UK, and China?  It is a tangled web of economic, military and political motivations for narrow self-interests. We don’t completely know.

But we can know this: As Lincoln said in his Inaugural address: “We must not be enemies” -Put simply, enmity will ruin the earth.

Enmity has to be quietened by the energy of goodwill before progress can be made. Goodwill is love in action, which leads to right human relations. The future of the human race depends upon people of goodwill leading and taking action.

(Slide 3) How, as individuals in the world, does our work factor in to all this?  How do we offset feelings of frustration or despair? 

Essentially, the story of nations fulfilling their destinies, is our story; it’s reliant on us fulfilling our own soul’s destiny.

Let us look at this triangle, a diagram I’ve often used in teaching Government and Politics and International Relations. It’s very simple, but it’s effective.

There’s a tendency in human nature to place the cause of problems and their solutions outside of ourselves and this is a tendency one sees not just in a classroom of teenagers but just about everywhere.: “It’s their fault out there”; and “They have to fix this!”. We feel outrage and frustration. “It shouldn’t be like this” ….” “If only they would….” etc etc. If only.

I’ve asked my students to start with themselves. Draw yourself first, at the top. It all begins with One. Then there are two….and so on. They can keep multiplying their stick figures, filling the page ad infinitum until we have a picture of a group, a school, a society, and oh, that’s all of us! …We are the world! It’s not just a song or a cliché. It’s a fact.

 His Holiness the Dalai Lama said just recently, “The creation of a better society has to begin from the level of the individual and from there it expands outward”.

How can we change what is out there if we here, now, cannot rise above our personal issues and get along?

Political and social action is needed. Only a small percentage mobilized in a population has, historically, brought about significant change. There is need to overcome the inertia of the material nature. But real change must, with wisdom and insight, begin with “me”. Group work and meditation opens us to spiritual impressions, so I can be the change, not just talk about it.

We don’t even have a diagram, or a triangle or a world, without you or me, at the start point.

His Holiness also says: “Don’t just pray:  Do something”. We are all trying to do something We are living now at a significant moment in history; sometimes it’s hard to really realize this; we can’t see the forest from the trees.

Now, full inner and outer commitment is needed. Ours is not yet a sacred planet- so we have our clear purpose and goal.

What do I need to draw forth from within myself to make this higher vision for myself and my nation, a reality?  To evoke my own and my nation’s soul qualities? What am I emanating in the world?

Every architect and civil engineer knows that in building anything, the triangle is the strongest shape. A triangle will not deform under force from any direction. Any other shape in a building needs additional reinforcement, whereas a triangle doesn’t.

 I have profound faith in the practise of triangles; in the magical work based on the energy of thought and higher feeling; in the power of the network of triangles to establish a spiritual foundation for what is to come. When we catalyse the triangles and direct those lines of light, they touch the darkness.  And we stand as channels for forces of light.

And here’s an important fact: when you send goodwill and love in triangles, to just two other people, or maybe many people, when you feel or give love to any one or any thing, you, as you generate that love, are the first to experience it on its way out…… It is in giving we receive; and what we receive, transforms us. And when I change, the world changes.

So, in the destiny of nations: It’s our destiny to be actors, now, on the world stage, in this drama, which is the prequel to the inevitable, newer, and brighter world.

Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace

Where there is hatred let me sow love

Where there is darkness, light

Where there is sadness:
