
Some thoughts on Warriorhood

Triangles Webinar Discussion*, 26thOctober 2020

Clarence Harvey


Working in the period when the sun is in Scorpio offers the opportunity for us to explore and deepen our understanding of Warriorhood or the disciple-as-spiritual-warrior.

The keynote of the Soul in Scorpio is given as: Warrior am I and from the battle I emerge triumphant.

Scorpio, at this particular stage of human evolution, governs the Path of Discipleship(Esoteric Astrology, p. 195)


The planet Mars is the esoteric and exoteric ruler of Scorpio and is also the governing planet of the life of the spiritual Disciple regardless of which sign your personality was born under. We are also told that, whatever our individual situation and status, humanity itself – as a whole – is destined to be and in fact is already now in the stage of development where it is emerging as World Disciple. 

For these reasons alone it is important to develop our understanding of the implications of the influence of Mars, the Warrior God, both in relation to the life and development of humanity and specifically in relation to the life and work of Triangles. The word Warriorhood is in many ways descriptive of the discipleship stage of life and of service by the Soul-infused personality. This topic can be approached from many angles – these few thoughts are intended to  touch on a few unorthodox points that might support our own investigations.


The emergence of spiritual Warriorhood is a life and death matter for humanity at this time. This emergence will inevitably be accompanied by a huge amount of glamour, so we need to try to be awake to this and to how it can distort our perceptions and interpretations of things.


The following seem relevant for Triangles workers:

WARRIORHOOD is an aspect of the livingness of the Soul.

WARRIORHOOD has an alphanumeric value of 144. This has important esoteric implications.

WARRIORHOOD is the basic condition that is demanded of humanity at this stage of its development – the readiness to enter into lifelong training in the ART OF WAR.

The Shield and Spear are gifts of Mars to the Soul Warrior.

Triangles is a field in which and through which true Warrior Service can be cultivated with minimal distortion and glamour. Triangles work is essentially Soul Warrior training in the Martial Art of the Soul.


Following the Tibetan Teacher’s hint that we can penetrate deeper into spiritual reality by learning to ‘think in terms numeric and abstract’ we can look at the alphanumeric level of the word Warriorhood… [Alphanumeric means the letter converted to a number, based on its position in the alphabet. Thus, A=1, B=2, C=3 etc] The alphanumeric value of Warriorhood is 144.

This number is the sum of the petals forming the first six chakras from base up to the ajna (third eye). The implication is that Warriorhood is a condition achieved by those who can work mentally, seated in the brow centre between the two eyes, as agents of light. Note: Taurus keynote of the Soul is “I see, and when the eye is opened all is light”. From this seat of conscious control of the personality, the Warrior reaches up to draw power from the Crown Centre. This entails conscious alignment with the planetary head centre, Shamballa. The Work is to hold this alignment and develop skill in its use in service. This is only safely accomplished in Group formation.

The Warriors align with Shamballa in group formation. The foundational pattern of group formation for the work of Warriorhood is the triangle. The army of light is self-organised in a pattern of triangles. In practice, this means that the invoked light is grounded not in a single Warrior, but in a unit of three. Each unit of three awakened Warriors implies a unification of three sets of 144 petals. 3 x 144 = 432. We could speak also about the aim of the Warrior to connect his own 144 to the 1,000 petals of the crown centre. The achievement of this is symbolised in the number 144,000 (144 x 1,000). A Triangle of such high grade qi grounded in the three points is 3 x 144,000, or the idealised solar radius: 432,000. This leads inevitably to the right handling of solar qi in triangle formation.


Scorpio is a sign of death. This refers specifically to the death of the hold of the old self. It is the sign in which the death of egotism or of polarisation in the lower and personality self is ended. The work initiated in Aries (ruler: Mars) is brought to a major conclusion through the battle fought between the personality and the Soul in Scorpio.

It is encouraging that the keywords of the Soul in Scorpio are not just about test, trial, and death, but that from the angle of the Soul they are Warrior, battle, and triumph; We can appreciate the Warrior art of Mars as an expression of the Martial Art of the Soul of humanity.


The nature of the Warrior from the esoteric angle is indicated in the keynote of the full moon approach to the Hierarchy as summed up in the words: Behind the warriors– twixt the light and dark – blazes the light of Hierarchy. (DNA II, p. 15)

The study and development of Warriorhood (and Warriorship) should be seen as a part of the Soul curriculum for humanity.


Alphanumeric values:

WARRIOR = 102            ART OF WAR = 102              WARRIOR GOD = 128 (There are 128 syllables in the original English version of the GI)            

WARRIORHOOD = 144        MARTIAL ART = 113 (113 words form the GI)


…The task which all disciples of the Masters throughout the world are engaged in undertaking and which you also should consciously consider. It is the task of confrontingthe Dweller on the Threshold in your own life and also in the group life, and then – from that vantage point of strength – face that Dweller on behalf of humanity and thus aid humanity to vanquish this ancient evil. To do this presupposes crisis in your life and in the life of humanity. The handling of crises is the hallmark of the disciple… (Discipleship in the New Age II, p. 13)


… In Scorpio… The personality can be so tested that it shows fitness for the world service demanded in Aquarius. (Esoteric Astrology, p. 143)

… The fourth ray indicates the field of service and the modeof attaining the goal. This mode or method is that of conflict and struggle in order to reach harmony and thus express all truly human characteristics, for the fourth ray and the fourth Creative Hierarchy constitute essentially one expression of truth. (Esoteric Astrology, p. 137)

The War on Covid-19 is a misnomer due both to misunderstanding and to deliberate distraction. Covid-19, the current corona-virus causing such pandemic fear within humanity, may be seen as directly associated with the corona or crown centre in humanity itself. This means that for those engaged in Warriorhood the real battle is not against the virus, but instead a committed endeavour to release the forces of Shamballa through the heart, eyes and mind of Soul and seethe Dweller who must be confronted in all ‘his’ guises. In practice, this is a demand for those engaged in Warriorhood to hold the line between the group ajna centre and the group crown centre through focused meditative alignment and resultant outer action. As the Work of the Warriors gains strength, the light reaching into humanity is octavised to such an intensity that the forces of the Dweller can no longer hold sway. The War is not against the coronavirus but against the forces which hold humanity back from its Soul destiny within the Plan of Love and Light. Victory is rooted in the Triangle formed and energised between Shamballa, Hierarchy, and humanity itself.


The leader of the conflict against evil in high places is the Christ, the Head of the Hierarchy…. He knows Himself to be the inner spiritual Commander of the Armies of the Lord. (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 433)

He said when He was on earth two thousand years ago, “I came not to bring peace, but a sword.” The sword of the spirit is wielded by the Hierarchy, and by its means cosmic evil is arrested. The sword of discrimination is wielded by the initiates and the disciples of the world, and by its means the distinction between good and evil… has been laid before humanity… (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 434)

… At the time of the June Full Moon [1945], the Hierarchy, under the guidance of the Christ, will let loose this will-to-good upon humanity… (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p. 440)

…This direct impact of the Shamballa energy upon humanity very seldom occurs… The second phase or form of destruction was directed by evil, and was focussed through those nations who had succumbed to the glamour of superiority, to the temptation of material aggression and to intolerant racial hatreds, implemented by cruelty and barbarism. (The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p.438- 439)

… The Hierarchy stands in protection of humanity. (EH p. 688)


The astrological symbol or glyph of Mars is said to represent the SHIELD and the SPEAR of the Warrior God. These are powerful gifts if we train in their right use. On a personal level, the ‘self-defence’ aspect of the martial arts are a reflection of the training of the immune defences and the outer defence skills. But actually they are lower octave reflections of the more esoteric work carried out as we increasingly train in the energising of our personalities with the lighted Qi of the Soul. We are called to ground the light of the Soul kingdom directly into our thoughts, our hearts, and our etheric bodies. The Soul works with all of the chakras…

the seven chakras or energy levels are each assigned a number of flower petals and when you add chakras 1-6 you get 4+6+10+12+16+96=144 – which is the number of WARRIORHOOD


The Triangles can serve to generate a protective Shield for humanity.

Whilst the work of individual training and discipleship is always ongoing, the emergence of Soul demonstrates in our groupwork and in our capacity to work as a group within and on behalf of the good of the whole. In this case, individual Warriors pool their highest energies of will-to-good into patterns of triangles. This pooled Will blends and balances as the life forces of the Qi of the Soul flow and circulate (Aquarius governs the circulation of the blood and life); depending on the stage of Warriorhood of the participating members, each Triangle begins to glow with a circular field of light charged with goodwill – the outer personality expression of the Will-to-Good. This circular field is the O or circle around the Triangle. It eventually acts as the solar Shield of the Warrior God on Earth, and once generated it can be expanded at Will to encompass all for whom the Warriors Battle in alignment with the divine Plan. We can therefore envision a steadily growing energy Shield generated by the Work of the Warrior Souls vibrating in Triangles formation, encompassing the planet and qualified by spiritual Light and Love and Power. This is part of the radiatory process resulting from the fiery death of the lesser self under the influence of Scorpio, and the re-polarising of the self of humanity in its own higher nature.


Triangles is deep level Warrior training and Warrior Service. To adapt a phrase: Thus with the light we work, and turn the darkness of today into the dawn of a new day.


*Some details from these notes were not discussed or mentioned during the webinar.