April-June 2019

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Editorial – The Secret of Regulation
To the degree that one recognizes oneself as a circuit of energy within the divine whole, so will the circulation and flow rate become as natural and life sustaining as the circulating bloodstream and the breathing cycle. Meditations, prayers and inner appeals to the Divine for the good of humanity help to fulfil the law of responsive return that completes the circulation of the divine current between the inner and outer kingdoms of nature. Thus all of life is served and lifted nearer to the light.

The Seed of Samadhi: Letter to a Disciple – Djwhal Khul
It is easy to overestimate the importance of any particular incarnation upon the path of life; it is easy to foster the consciousness of the personality in time and space, and thus fail to register the “insight” of the soul, regulating timelessness and knowing no past or future, but only a sense of Being (faintly and dimly, because this sense is a monadic prerogative) and of relationship (strongly and urgently).

In Silence, Trust – John Rasmussen
The mind, in the silence of an intuitive instant, overshadowed by buddhic energy, opens itself to receive intuitions, and only afterwards translates them into concepts and statements. Buddhic intuitions also resonate in the spiritual heart, but it is not the purpose of the heart to make statements. The heart’s purpose is to love universally and witness with compassion the divinity of all beings.

The Dance of Dynamic Discipleship – Maria Calegari and Bart Cook
There is a specific layering process that occurs when staging a ballet, beginning with rehearsals and then performance which is not unlike our meditation alignment of invocation, evocation and precipitation. We are long time dance professionals and students of the Ageless Wisdom and have assimilated years of experience in how to blend spirit and matter into such a form as ballet. Yet what is most important is that the dancers we are working with and enabling, sense and feel this knowing. It gives them strength of purpose and allows them to then express.

The Silent Will – Christine Morgan
The tone of words and speech today, whether through social media, political rhetoric or public media, carries a force which is often harmful and critical. There seems to be a lack of understanding about the power of sound and its inspirational and healing potential if used consciously. If thoughts are truly harmless then right speech follows but before this attainment, a watchfulness of one’s tone and choice of words creates a more conducive environment for right relationships on every level..

Relating Synonyms for the Soul to Psychological Experience – Michael Nagel
Like a diamond, the human soul reflects its nature in different facets or nuances of its experience. Perhaps this explains in part why even long-term students of the Tibetan sometimes find it difficult to answer the question, “How do you define the soul?” And if they do, often they speak from book learning rather than psycho-spiritual experience. Therefore exploring some of attributes of the soul from an experiential perspective might be helpful.

A Reflection on the Opposites – Lawrence Farrow
It is understandable that to some on the beginning of their journey, the concept that all things are in opposition can be difficult to grasp. Some are still reluctant to accept the bad of our good, and the fact that our ideals are based on things which are far from ideal. We all have to learn – with effort – the negations of our positions, and to grasp the fact that our life is a process that takes place between two poles.

Understanding the Soul – A Student
Taking an overview of the many definitions of the Soul, there seems to be a common belief that it expresses the essence of an individual as an inner driving force which is consistently beneficial and creative in its promptings. I don’t think anyone would accuse their Soul of misleading them!

Paracelsus – Forerunner His life and Work – Ted Capstick
Paracelsus believed that the patient should be approached from an esoteric standpoint, and his/her condition being understood to fundamentally arise from imbalance within. Treatment would be based on an existential understanding of the patient and be an act of esoteric healing – the curative forces stem from within the nucleus of the patient, his constitution as it is put back into harmony with nature once again. 

Book Review

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