April-June 2020

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Editorial  – Unifying Sound. Having been given the Great invocation to use as a Word of Power, we are in possession of the greatest of opportunities to serve in the fullest and deepest manner possible.

Group Initiation – Djwhal Khul. Group initiation has been forced upon the Hierarchy by the rapid unfoldment of the spiritual con- sciousness in humanity, an unfoldment which demonstrates—no matter what the ray—as goodwill.

Holding the Mind Steady in the Light – Michael Nagel. We forget that we are simply the consciousness that temporarily “wears” our personalities, and is soon destined to look in the wardrobe of possibilities for another outfit.

Working with Nature’s  Patterns  – The Electric Bridge Website.  These technological advances are in resonance with the way Nature transmits and stores information and heralds undreamt of possibilities for the future.

The Changing Perception of Time  – Leonidas  Kossis.  Only as the disciple progresses along the path and the intuition is in- creasingly awakened does the true nature and meaning of time become increasingly accessible.

Eros and Evolving Perfection – Anne Woodward.  It is my understanding that perfection and the divine are immutable in the sense that they are eternal, involve all that exists and will never cease to be, but that their form and consciousness are eternally evol- ving, and that, at this time, we humans must accommodate and support this process in order to reunite with our source and find true satisfaction and happiness.

Raging Fires – Sydney Goodwill Newsletter. Amongst all the heart-rending catastrophes around the world – floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, volcano eruptions – the Australian fires seem to mark a new level of scope as they embrace a whole country, a whole continent

Spiritual  Values for Daily Living – Barbara  Allen. Given my predilection towards trees, I like to imagine humanity as a forest of trees. Each individual tree in all sizes, shapes and colors is exquisite in its uniqueness, giving the forest its remarkable beauty. I think of each human as a tree of life, transforming and transmitting the sacred energy of the life of the sun to its life on earth.

Yogacharya BKS Iyengar, A Forerunner – Peter Angrave.  He believed that the practice of yoga is an opportunity for the prac- titioner to bring oneness between body, mind and spirit and as such should be approached with dedication and respect.

Book Reviews

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