April-June 2021

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A Galvanizing Force – Editorial  
The advent of Spring in the Northern Hemisphere renews the abundance of the vital forces in nature that are so needed as we emerge from a period of isolation and curtailed physical freedoms. It is an opportunity to gain fresh insights and understanding surrounding questions about where are we, where we want to be and how we get there.

The Urge to Creative Life – Djwhal Khul 
This brings us to the consideration in a little more detail of our fourth point, which is the urge to creative life through the divine use of the imagination. As we have seen, it is necessary for humanity to recognise that there is a world of meaning behind the world of appearances, of form – behind what has been called the “world of seeming.” It is the revelation of this world of inner meaning that lies immediately ahead of the race. Hitherto we have – as a race – been occupied with the symbol and not with that for which it stands, and of which it is the outer appearance.

Building in the Light – Christine Morgan  
We are preparing now to work together as a global group of meditators in what is perhaps the most exhilarating of all the festivals of light – the festival of Wesak. It is a time to celebrate the cooperation of two great Avatars, the Buddha and the Christ, and play our part in passing on to all the world the Forces of Enlightenment that are released through this ceremony. What greater privilege could there be than freeing ourselves up to work in light, and with light; and to resonate with the profound purpose which the Buddha conveys on behalf of the Planetary Logos. The participants, from the Christ and the members of the Hierarchy gathered in the valley of the Himalayas, down to the humblest disciple linking up in consciousness, make this a supreme moment of communication between deity and humanity.

The Healing Work of Artists – A Student  
Across time and cultures we see that the heart symbolizes love, and thus represents the Good. As a mental image, an emotional appeal, and a physical sensation, the heart endures as a universal and immediate invocation for the highest vibrational level on our planet. And while many debate what might constitute “the Good”, there is no question that each of us responds mentally, emotionally, and physically to appearances of “the Good” in our lives. This automatic response suggests a truth that lies beyond any debate. That which is Good derives from love, and the heart holds that truth. We can describe the Good as beauty.

Numerology in Our Everyday Life – Our 24 Hour Day – Christina Kosmadaki  
In our earthly life, both as individuals and human family, we all share without exception the 24 hours daily cycle as a common lot or ground. And, although the 24 hour day seems to be our united reality and living rhythm globally, not every one of us – from the perspective of race, culture, gender, age or psychological profile – perceives and experiences it in the same way.

Myth and Geography in Psychological Rehabilitation – Wendy Berg
Psychological rehabilitation suggests a restoration to something that once was whole, and was healthier in its wholeness. It suggests a return to full potential, to something that was once present but has been lost or forgotten, or obscured by worldly challenges, and needs to be recovered. When considering the question of the psychological rehabilitation of nations we may assume that each nation has to some extent already infused its life with its soul qualities, just as is so for individuals. The path towards psychological rehabilitation and a realisation of the particular aim or goal for each nation will emerge from an appreciation of those soul qualities, and it is this which will rightly empower and guide the way forward for that nation.

The Occultism in Job – Part 2 – Alice Bailey
In the symbolism of the Bible, gold may be interpreted as standing for the height of human desire. It is certainly so in the life of the world today. It is the symbol of that far country in which the emphasis is laid upon form and where desire turns away from the things of the spirit to those of matter and form. We desire this, that or the other, be it food and a roof or an intense spiritual longing, and thus we are driven into action on the physical plane.

Samuel Hahnemann Founder of Homoeopathy (1755 – 1843) – A Forerunner – Alice Bishop
Homoeopathy is based on the principle of similia similibus curentur – ‘let similar things be taken care of by similar things’ – that is substances which when taken cause a reaction in a healthy person, will cure those same symptoms when they arise in the form of disease. It was the first practical, holistic method of healthcare to have been developed in Europe. It was entirely different to all the previous medical practice and its approach is still radically different to modern healthcare methods. It is a holistic healing system, viewing the physical, emotional and mental aspects of the person as an interrelated whole and disease as a disturbance of what Hahnemann referred to as the ‘vital force’.


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