October-December 2019

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Editorial – The Thing Before One’s Eyes
All who love humanity are called to take a stand at the centre of the new group of world servers, working behind the scenes to strengthen their hands, and also continuing to serve in the place where they find themselves. As a seed thought powerfully expresses it: “The cry goes out for workers. I answer, Master of my Life, and stand within the ranks of those who serve. What shall I do? The answer comes: The thing before thine eyes.”

Thinking in Terms of the Ashram – Djwhal Khul
As the externalisation of the Ashram proceeds, those souls upon the physical plane who are ready for enlightenment will find their way into the New Group of World Servers; this group will increasingly assume potent relation between the units of life within its periphery, the Ashram, and humanity.

Triangles – The Shape of Things to Come – Wendy Boyd
As we pass out of the age of Pisces and enter into the age of Aquarius a corresponding geometric shift from the square to the triangle is taking place. Humanity is currently rooted in the square which is symbolic of the personality. But this is beginning to change from the four sided shape into the three sided triangle representative of the soul.

Tension, Metaphorical Heat of Fire – Michael Nagel
Fire relieves the hidden gold of its dross. It purifies the personality vehicles, contributes to soul/personality fusion, and contributes to the revelations of initiation. Valued as these outcomes are, nevertheless fire hurts. But as one teacher said, “Just because there is pain doesn’t mean anything is wrong.”

Human dignity is in Danger – Ai Weiwei
Human rights are shared values. Human rights are our common possession. When abuses are committed against anyone in any society, the dignity of humanity as a whole is compromised. By the same token, it is only when the rights of any individual and rights of the people of any region receive our care and protection that humanity can achieve a shared redemption.

An Aspirant Decides John Rasmussen
Human perception and conception are not and cannot be solely material activities. They are and must be spiritual activities as well because that is the nature of the world. Matter in its various forms pervades the phenomenal universe, but more is present in the world than appearance; there is consciousness.

The Paradoxical Utopia of Piet Mondrian Anne Woodward
Mondrian himself stressed repeatedly that all his paintings were born from his intuition and that only afterwards did he form his ideas and theories about them; one might say that he painted from an intellectual intuition.

Defining ‘Soul’Barbara Allen
Human beings are uniquely formed to experience and express the consciousness of the soul at the highest level of planetary Life. This is at once, our greatest heritage and responsibility.

A Short Treatise on the Esoteric Nature of Francis Bacon, Part 2 Lawrence Farrow
A vision of Bacon as a mystic has been supported by some scholars, who regard his writings as steeped in alchemy and magic. However, most laymen will not find much of a mystical character in, for example, the Novum Organum, even though Bacon often alludes to Paracelsus and his theories in this work.

Spiritual Livingness – Christine Griffiths
This awakening to our spiritual nature with its energetic dynamics will overcome the inertia of the forces of materialism. The effects of these are transitory and the fuller expression of spiritual values through right living will redeem these forces. At this point of global crisis, it is incumbent on each of us that senses the need to do what we can to create a better world.

Africa and the Planetary Picture Bette Stockbauer
Independence from colonial rule was one step in the right direction, but now another step needs to be taken – that of economic independence. This cannot be achieved by mere handouts, but must be hewn out by each nation, using intelligent governance...

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