New Moon Meeting

Beginning with the Aries New Moon, in-person meetings will resume in our offices at 866 UN Plaza and will continue to be broadcast on Zoom. Please note also the changes in time: all meetings (Full and New Moon) will now begin at 6pm US eastern time, with the exception of the Wesak Full Moon meeting which is being held as part of the Arcane School Conference and begins at 3:30 pm. To join the online zoom meeting:

Join the Live Zoom audio broadcast of the Meeting


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of outbreathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere. The meeting will be broadcast on ZOOM followed by meditation. Those who wish are invited to stay on the call for a brief period to consider the questions together.

Mediation, the Problems of Humanity and the New Group of World Servers

In the meditation for Strengthening the Hands of the New Group of World Servers, the seed thought concludes by emphasizing the major task of the New Group, which is “mediating between Hierarchy and Humanity and meditating the Plan into existence”. This mediating work, is inspiring and illuminating human thinking and activity, and has found application in many situations of conflict and its resolution.

Where it has been successful, the New Group’s mediation between Hierarchy and Humanity has led to progress in establishing right human relationship in some form or another. From this point of view, all conflicts, challenges or crises, may be considered as means leading to the establishment of right human relations, and not situations of “despair, blame, politicization, contention, and hopelessness”. In other words, the New Group of World Servers are seeing or recognizing the challenges and conflicts in terms of opportunities for achieving harmony and fulfilling their mission.

As the incoming energies are accelerated, and in particular the seventh Ray and the Aquarian energies pour in, all lives on earth are being stimulated, opportunities are increasing, challenges are multiplying and problems are become more acute. And we are being made to reflect on ways and means of increasing our understanding, clarifying our direction and sharpening our skills in “mediating between Hierarchy and humanity”, so as to fulfill the five goals for the New Group as stated in The Rays and The Initiations, p.233.

Question for Reflection:

  1. The New Group of World Servers essential mode of solving world problems is a subjective one, how has this found meaning and understanding in your life?
  2. What does the New Group of World Servers mean to you in today’s world of esoteric and mundane(exoteric) living?





Lucis Trust Meetings

New York

Friday, April 1, 2022 06:00 PM

Lucis Trust
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 482

New York

NY 10017

Get Directions

Independent local meetings

Visit the Global Network directory on this site to find a list of independent groups holding festival meditation meetings at the time of the full moon.

Full Moon Times


Live Broadcast of Lucis Meetings


Broadcast of this meeting begins at 11:00 PM London Time (Local Time)


Broadcast of this meeting begins at 6:00 PM New York Time (Local Time)


Broadcast of this meeting begins at 12:00 AM Geneva Time (Local Time)
