New Moon Meeting


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of out-breathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere.

The meeting, which will be broadcast on ZOOM, will include an exploration on the theme The Artist as Esoteric Healer, followed by group discussion and meditation.

The Artist as Esoteric Healer

In the coming months, as the world seeks to recover from the coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis continues to loom large, many members of the New Group of World Servers will necessarily be called to participate in the building of a new social order. Key to this effort will be the psychological healing that allows traumas of the past to fade and new social understandings to take hold. Our artists, with their ability to appeal to the heart, mind, and soul most persuasively, stand at the forefront of this psychological rehabilitation.

In Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, the Tibetan states that the highest form of healing, at this time, is psychological, adding that this great power of the mind is as yet unfolding.  Later, in Esoteric Healing, he asserts that all initiates of the Ageless Wisdom, as liberated transmitters of spiritual energy, are esoteric healers. With these two thoughts in mind, we can explore the ways in which artistry in its many manifestations might help to create an environment that prepares the way for the reappearance of the Christ.

Questions for reflection:

1. How are artists helping to shed light on the various global crises that humanity now faces? What are the energies that they invoke?
2. As members of the New Group of World Servers, how might we use the arts or our own artistry to further the work of the Hierarchy?


• Beete, Paulette. “The Healing Art of the Arts,” National Endowment for the Arts, 22 Oct 2020.
• Phillips, Renee. “Artist Members Share Positive Art and Messages during COVID-19 Pandemic,” The Healing Power of Art & Artists website.
•  Alice A. Bailey. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. I, p. 344-353.
•  Alice A. Bailey. Esoteric Healing, p. 2-6.
•  A Ray of Hope: The Christ Principle expressed through the Energy of Harmony, Beauty & Art, A Lucis Trust Webinar.


Lucis Trust Meetings

New York

Thursday, February 11, 2021 06:00 PM

Meeting will be held online only

Independent local meetings

Visit the Global Network directory on this site to find a list of independent groups holding festival meditation meetings at the time of the full moon.

Full Moon Times


Live Broadcast of Lucis Meetings


Broadcast of this meeting begins at 11:00 PM London Time (Local Time)


Broadcast of this meeting begins at 6:00 PM New York Time (Local Time)


Broadcast of this meeting begins at 12:00 AM Geneva Time (Local Time)
