A Creative Lab for the Spiritual Work of our Nations  


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We’re approaching the time for the tremendous influx of the energies of love as we approach the full moon of June next Tuesday.  And, as we highlighted last week, this Festival is a 4 - day event and we can link up with these events and thereby contribute to this culminating time of outpouring–working together during Saturday, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday which coincide with the London Arcane School Conference and the celebrations for the Gemini full moon, followed by World Invocation Day.      

At this time when the sun is in Gemini the Forces of Reconstruction are pouring into the world.  These energies are extra-planetary and work through the higher centers of Shamballa and Hierarchy and are said to be related to the physical plane and to the healing of the nations.  

As the name implies these energies are related to the rebuilding of the world along new lines. In The Externalisation of the Hierarchy (p. 482-83) we read these rather arresting words.  It’s said that to usher in this new era of creative activity will necessitate the total destruction of the old forms. “It is this great group of Forces which will be set in motion by the Christ at the June Full Moon…. Their task is to precipitate and bring into manifestation that which the work of the Forces of Restoration and of Enlightenment have made subjectively possible.” This insight into the impact of these energies can help prepare our consciousness for the changes that are afoot in our world.  They are all part of the Plan.  As the Christ taught, we cannot put new wine into old wineskins.  

The energies of Gemini are particularly related to the transformation of Earth’s etheric field–the primary objective in Triangles. Gemini brings the opposites together aided by the current of the second ray of Love-Wisdom that pours powerfully through this Festival of the Christ.  We can use this energy to take our stand between the opposing forces that are raging in the world and hold fast to the middle way through which the lighted path ahead can begin to be perceived.  

The three rulers of Gemini – Mercury, Venus and the Earth – highlight one of the most important systemic triangles in our system.  This is a triangle that is essential in our Earth’s shift towards becoming a sacred planet.  Each year, at the Gemini full moon, this triangle of light is powerfully stimulated thereby releasing a tremendous amount of light and love into our world.   Both Mercury and Venus take in large quantities of light – and they share it with our planet, aiding the Earth to move forward on its evolutionary journey towards becoming outwardly what it already is within consciousness – a sacred planet, a planet surrounded by an etheric grid composed of triangles.  This receipt of light from our elder planetary brothers – Mercury and Venus, is a kind of macrocosmic correspondence to the relationship which aspirants and disciples have with those who work with them subjectively, stimulating them into greater light.  It’s all part of the great chain of Hierarchy. 

It’s said that the sign of Gemini always forms the third point in any zodiacal pair of opposites.  It therefore helps us as a planet to come to mediate between the new pair of opposites that is forming in our world as we enter into the new age – the opposites of Aquarius and Leo.  This is an interesting pair of opposites because it also highlights a particularly interesting period on the spiritual path through which we all pass both as individuals but also and more importantly as groups and nations–moving out from under the weight of the self-focus of Leo and into the group consciousness of Aquarius.  This transformative stage is highlighted in a passage found in The Destiny of the Nations, p. 146:

"The Lion begins to roar.  He rushes forth and, in his urge to live, he wields destruction.  And then again he roars and — rushing to the stream of life — drinks deep.  Then, having drunk, the magic of the waters works.  He stands transformed.  The Lion disappears and he who bears the water pot stands forth and starts upon his mission." 

This confluence of energies between Aquarius, Leo and Gemini is highlighted as well in a planetary triangle which is said to be of primary importance at this time and moving forward.  This is the Triangle of the UK, the US and Russia.  These three nations are important because they are at their core fundamentally group oriented – for the people -- but it is the people who have to hold their nations accountable in order to realize that potential.  

The US and Russia are both ruled by Aquarius at the level of the soul – bringing a strong inner link between them, while the US and UK are both 2nd ray souls, providing another strong link.  These links hold out much promise as the countries grow into greater alignment with their higher selves, presenting the opportunity for the three to work together for the benefit of the whole as was the case during the last century during the second World War. But the problem lies most powerfully today in the personality aspects of the three nations– in the fact that both the US and Russia are governed by the sixth ray at the personality level and Britain by the first ray.  These energies need greater harmonizing with their higher selves in order to work more effectively.  Interestingly, Russia is ruled by Leo at the personality level and therefore that passage about the roaring lion cited above might describe some of the challenges working out in Russia today.  

The UK and US are both ruled by Gemini – the UK at the soul level and the US at the personality level.  And surely this bridging energy can be utilized to help Russia to move into its powerful role of bridging between East and West.  Russia’s seventh ray Aquarian soul will enable her to make a truly powerful contribution to the world as she grows into her soul.  

Let us in the midst of our work together at this period of the lead up to the Gemini full moon, hold this important triangle in our minds in order that the warring brothers can find a way to utilize the bridging energies of Gemini, emerging out the soul of the UK, to find a way to move forward out of the present impasse.