The Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita

March 28, 2022

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Young officers arriving for the first time at their new home among the rice fields of India during the British occupation, or in the heat and dust of a desert cantonment, would commonly be told by some well-meaning old India hand, that if they wished to grasp the essence of the eastern tradition, they should read one book, the Mahabharata, by far the world’s oldest and largest epic poem, and with 100000 verses, exceeding the Bible and all Shakespeare’s plays bundled together. The Mahabharata was called “The Fifth Veda”. As a jewel within the heart,  lies the Bhagavad Gita, in itself a chapter of this epic poem.


The Triangles Network of Light in Times of Crisis in Human Affairs

March 21, 2022


Feet of the Disciple

March 14, 2022

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The astrological glyph for the sign of Pisces is usually interpreted as representing two fishes, linked by a thread or bar and pulling in opposite directions. The two fishes are said to represent the personality and the soul aspects of an individual, heading in opposite life directions. Since Pisces rules the feet the two fishes of Pisces can also be read as two feet facing in opposite directions – the feet of the ordinary personality, and the feet of the person who responds to the tug or pull of the soul life. It seems appropriate timing to use the period whilst the sun is in the sign of Pisces to apply our attention to the feet, recognising as we do so that “energy follows thought”.


The Rejuvenating Power of Joy

March 9, 2022

