Creative Meditation as a Way of Service

Roberto Assagioli said that “We have more than five billion neighbours, not neighbours who live on our street, but our peers, human beings with whom we are united through the modern media and who are actually psychologically close to us…”

We cannot be free, live with dignity and do our duty as souls if we do not establish right relations with these "five billion neighbours", our fellow men, all humanity.  We are aware that, at present, the whole of humanity is going through a crisis that hinders these correct relations, since the pandemic that is ravaging our planet is negatively affecting all humans in their personalities, not only on the physical but also on the emotional and even on the mental level. Demonstrations of physical affection have been limited, producing a feeling of separation that increases with the fear of contagion, and in addition fear of illness and economic precariousness has been introduced. That causes instability and a condition of struggle for life.

Humanity then is now undergoing a point of tension that, although painful, will help it take a great step forward, and as we all know a point of tension is an opportunity for change. The pandemic, together with climate change and the consequences of both, are forcing us to change our attitude towards our behaviour with the earth, towards money, entertainment, the way we dress and consume, our eating habits, and so on. It is leading us to expand our consciousness by thinking of the welfare of the planet, treating it with love and gratitude; thinking of the love and respect we owe to the subhuman kingdoms and of course, of the love and respect we owe to our “five billion neighbours”.

But like all major changes, it produces fear. As humans we are prisoners of our habits, prisoners of living in our comfort zone with our relatives, our friends, and so on, and we find it difficult to free ourselves from that prison.  Our duty is then to get rid of dependence from persons, possessions and status, and establish right relationships based on goodwill, love and compassion.

Uranus, the ruling planet of Aquarius (the era which we are entering), produces change and instability.Uranus’ desire is that everything on our planet is correct, that things are new, beautiful and useful to humanity, and to do this it destroys everything that is obsolete or useless to human beings. So, if our zone of comfort is not useful anymore for our treading the path, Uranus will take care of taking us out of this comfortable area of our lives.

Therefore, human beings must have the capacity to adapt and to assume the inevitable change, and work in such a way that the whole of humanity can enter into the new culture and future civilization which we are told we are entering now.

As part of the group of servers, what can we do in this regard? How can we help humanity? What is our service to collaborate in the manifestation of the Plan?

Einstein is credited with the sentence: "You can never solve a problem on the same level as it was created," and in the case of the world’s servers we have to rise to higher levels and work from the level of thought and through meditation. With this intention of serving our group is working with Creative Meditation.

Creative Meditation working with the laws and principles of the soul is a legacy from Roberto Assagioli, as he responded to a request made by his teacher the Tibetan, to members of his Group of Disciples.  In Alice Bailey’s Discipleship in the New Age Vol. II pp 231-236, we read that The Tibetan requested the establishment of a “united world group, given to unanimous and simultaneous meditation upon the work of preparing the world for the new order… and to establish the knowledge of and the functioning of those laws and principles which will control the coming era, the new civilization and the future world culture…” 

Whilst visiting the United Kingdom, Roberto Assagioli together with a group of co-workers, founded the Group for Creative Meditation, which began to function subjectively on December 21st, 1956. At a meeting in the summer of 1961 in the UK attended by many international members of the Group for Creative Meditation he announced the creation of a three-year training course in Creative Meditation.  Together with Michal Eastcott and Nancy Magor they worked out the study sets and the activity for daily meditation which are still used to this day in the Training Courses for Creative Meditation.

The founding centres of the International Group for Creative Meditation are the Sundial House Group (United Kingdom), Communitá di Ética Vivente (Italy) and Meditation Mount (California). 

Arising out of this founding initiative many other groups around the world are now using this Creative Meditation approach, and as a movement we continue our work together in preparing the foundations of the emerging new civilisation. One of these groups is our Huber Creative Meditation Group in Barcelona which since 2014 is training students with this three-year course.                              Alicia Garcia