A Conversation with Martin Vieweg

The following conversation with Martin Vieweg, a long standing Triangles co-worker, was broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on January 22, 2018:

Question: Can you describe your present understanding of the Plan and how you see it working out in the world today?

Martin: Let’s start with the analogy of a Project Plan in the business world — comparing the planning in the workplace to the efforts of the Custodians of the Divine Plan — the Master Planners — on the Inner Planes. Both levels of planning involve:
Schedules… Timelines… Milestones (setting dates)…
Tracking Resources… Monitoring workflows, and the like.

Specifically — both on the inner and the outer plane — there are project planners, who gather resources and monitor the participation of their co-workers in the project. Resources in a business project include IT specialists, department heads, budget directors, and the like. Resources for the Custodians of the Divine Plan for the Plant are those 'older souls in the world,' who are awakening to the existence of the reality of the Inner Worlds.

These ‘Spiritual Resources’ are: the aspirants, disciples and men and women of goodwill serving the greater good in the world.

A good example of spiritual people like this who seek to cooperate with the Plan of the Great Ones are: Members of the Triangles Network — like you and me and all who are gathered today. Perhaps the most valuable members of the Project Team (cooperating with the Divine Plan) can be identified as those of us who acknowledge the 3 Recognitions mentioned by the Tibetan as primary to the MISSION of the Hierarchy at this crucial time.

THE THREE RECOGNITIONS include recognition of the reality of: the soul, the Hierarchy, and the Grand Design behind evolution, that is to say: the Divine Plan.

A second good example — in our comparison of INNER and OUTER project planning — is the setting of dates in the in the timeline of the project schedule to mark MILESTONES in the progress of the project. MILESTONES in a typical business plan involve:

Project start and end. Need for external review of the project. Budget checks, and the like.

MILESTONES in the Divine Plan of the Great Ones (we can surmise from the Ageless Wisdom) could be:

Key Dates in the Master Timeline that mark the transition from Pisces to Aquarius. Such KEY DATES are found throughout the Alice Bailey books…and a study of them, the Tibetan assures us, will tell us much about THE WILL OF GOD (and thus much about
THE PLAN). Let me list a few key dates from the teaching to illustrate what I mean: 1875… 1925… 1945… 1975… 2000… 2025. Each of these dates identify years in which Members of the Hierarchy (the Guides of the Race) — in charge of the unfolding plan — have met (or will meet) to assess “evolutionary progress” — to see if we are ‘on schedule’ to meet evolutionary goals. Just a few words about each of these KEY DATES will illustrate what is meant here. As you will discover, each one of these dates is related to a common evolutionary theme — in essence, the same DIVINE INTENT: the evolution of GROUP CONSCIOUSNESS.

So, let us look at each one of these dates (one-at-a-time) to see what the Ageless Wisdom has to say:

1875 is the year in which The Hierarchy (members of the 5th or spiritual kingdom) decided to externalize, that is to appear again in physical form. They had, the Tibetan tells us, withdrawn behind the veil into the subtle worlds following the sinking of Atlantis. As he puts it: "the initial impulse" for the approach of the Kingdom of Souls to humanity in physical form was initiated at the conclave in 1875.

1875 was also the year in which the idea of group initiation was inaugurated — supplanting initiation of individuals one-at-a-time. Initiation involves expansion of consciousness of awakening souls into the reality of the existence of higher realms…and those who dwell therein. 1925 is the year in which the New Group of World Servers was anchored on Earth. 1945 is the year that Christ decided to reappear on Earth. We are told that it took Him 9 years in spiritual retreat (1936-1945) to reach this final decision. 1945 marked the culmination of that decision. It was also the year in which the Silent Avatar (the Avatar of Synthesis) overshadowed Christ. And, finally, 1945 was the year in which the Great Invocation — now used by Triangles workers all over the world — was given out to humanity. 1975 marked the culmination of a major astrological cycle, and was the year of the direct touch of humanity by Shamballa. The center where the will of God is known came into direct contact with the center of active, creative intelligence. Shamballa touched humanity directly. 2000 marked a second touch of the human family by Shamballa. This touch of will upon awakening humanity occurred one year before the destruction of the World Trade Center towers in September, 2001 — evidence (perhaps) of the impact of will energies upon the world of form. 2025 For clarity, let me quote an excerpt from Externalization of the Hierarchy, p. 530:

…at the great General Assembly of the Hierarchy—held as usual every century—in 2025 the date in all probability will be set for the first stage of the externalisation of the Hierarchy. The present cycle (from now until that date) is called technically "The Stage of the Forerunner". It is preparatory in nature, testing in its methods, and intended to be revelatory in its techniques and results.

By the way — in terms of Project Managers managing personnel as the project plan unfolds — the Tibetan tell us that this TIME OF THE FORERUNNER (up until 2025) will be — in the GREAT PROJECT of preparing for the Reappearance of the Christ — a time of GREAT ACTIVITY for everyone who is cooperating with the Plan. It will be a time of “substitution and replacement” of project personnel — all up and down the line. As he puts it, during this period of preparation for the 2025 Conclave: “…accepted disciples are taking initiation, pledged disciples are being accepted, and accepting disciples are taking their pledges. [EOH, 529-30]

Question: Where do you see the Triangles project fitting into this unfolding Plan?

Martin: The Triangles work is a scientific method — utilizing the power of the mind and group thought — to strive towards planetary unity. This is a shared goal.

To borrow a phrase from the Tibetan — used to describe the work of the NGWS: A major goal of group initiatives such as the Triangles work is: “…to build towards a more synthetic unity … [through] the formation of group units,” …WITH THE ULTIMATE GOAL OF MAKING SCIENTIFIC BROTHERHOOD MANIFEST ON EARTH. In short, Triangles workers use the mind — scientifically — to build group units (groups of three) within a UNIFIED NETWORK — with the primary intent (the shared goal) of moving in consciousness towards greater unity. It is significant that “the group units” involved are groups of three. Consider these words from MATTHEW 18:20…“where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” This idea (of gathering in threes) fits nicely with an impression I received in meditation recently about a possible key difference between this present time of transition (from Pisces to Aquarius) and an earlier major period of planetary crisis: the sinking of Atlantis — written about by Plato. The current crisis, which we are living through today, is said by the Tibetan……to be comparable in scope to that major time of crisis in Atlantis. In those days — “the days of Noah”— the surviving remnant of humanity was saved “two by two” … As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man [Luke 17:26-27] The idea that impressed me relates these two times in history numerologically: the time of Noah and the present time of the “days of the Son of Man.” Life in Noah’s time was anchored very much in the world of form — symbolized by the gathering together of ANIMALS — TW0-BY-TWO. It was a time of DUALITY and FORM IDENTITY. Today, we — particularly those of us whose CONSCIOUSNESS IS AWAKENING — are moving from strict FORM IDENTITY towards HIGHER IDENTITY in consciousness: identity in subtler realms beyond the world of form. Symbolically, we are learning to connect with one another THREE-BY-THREE (where 3 is a symbol of the soul aspect) …and not so much TWO-BY-TWO (where 2 X 2 = 4 — a symbol of the form aspect). This difference between the form and consciousness is an idea well worth pondering.

Question: What do you understand to be the role of the Triangles work during the present transition period, particularly in regards to the network’s role as a mediating agent between Hierarchy and Humanity.

Martin: We are building together A UNIFIED FIELD to MEDIATE between that which is above and that which is below. It is a bridging work. Mind is the builder… It is also the receiver and transmitter of energy.

That which is above is the Kingdom of Souls and Those who dwell in the subtle realms of light and energy.

That which is below are the kingdoms of nature — which take on four essential forms:

Human, Animal, Plant, and Mineral.

The human is the synthesis of the 3 lower kingdoms. We humans are all 3: Earth (mineral)…Water (plant)…and Fire (animal).i All of the elements of the three lower kingdoms are combined in human beings — citizens of the fourth kingdom.

Significantly, a sub-group now exists within the fourth kingdom (the human), called the NGWS.ii It is composed of men and women of higher consciousness, who share a vision of our interconnectedness within the One Human Family, and a vision of ‘the One Earth.’

At the core of the New Group are those among us who are sensitive to higher impression (the intuitives of the race), who have begun to build a bridge in consciousness to inner realms. These sensitives are open to receive impression from the realm of the Soul — from the Guides who abide on Inner Planes.

Again, significantly: THE HEAD OF THE NEW GROUP OF WORLD SERVERS IN THE COMING AGE WILL BE THE CHRIST. And, as we learn from the Ageless Wisdom…“Christ is the greatest sensitive of all.”

Question: What is your understanding of the different energetic fields created by a triangle as opposed to a square?

Martin: On page 429 of Esoteric Astrology we read: the triangle is the basic geometric form of all manifestation and it is to be seen (by those who have eyes to see) underlying the entire fabric of manifestation, whether it is the manifestation of a solar system, the manifestation of the zodiacal round, [OR the] divine triple whole which we call man [which is Monad... Soul… Personality]

Question: What is the role of the etheric body in this work and how is it a field of experiment for energy workers?




In this system, the VITAL SHEATH OR SPHERE of LIFE FORCE is the TRUE FORM through which the soul is intended to express itself. The work to be done is energy work and the INSTRUMENT OF THE SOUL is the ENERGY BODY or Etheric Vehicle. Consciousness (Soul) is seeking expression through this 7-fold instrument — through the seven chakras or wheels of energy in the etheric — divided typically into: 3 major: HEART…HEAD…THROAT…plus 4 minor centers.

Question: What is telepathy and how does this concept relate to the Triangles work?

Martin: Telepathy is a process of “transmission” and “reception” that connects A SENDER (OR BROADCASTER) WITH A RECIPIENT (OR SENSITIVE TARGET). It works with three energies — two of which are invoked through Triangles and the use of the Great Invocation: LOVE… and… LIGHT… plus, a third, which is ETHERIC FORCE. The first two (LOVE AND LIGHT) swing etheric force into activity in the outer world of form — as they impact THE TRUE SPHERICAL FORM OF THE ETHERIC BODY — the instrument of the soul in the world of form. That which is transmitted in this process of telepathy (to quote the Tibetan) is a “’clothed’ idea, impression, [or thought form…projected] … on a stream of love…” Love “attracts the needed material with which to clothe the idea.” Light “[through the] … force of mind…is the illuminating energy which ‘lights the way’ of [the] idea or form to be transmitted and received.” Etheric Force is the energy or “prana” of the vital body, which becomes responsive or receptive to the impress of the other two energies: “the magnetic power of love” and the mental energy of one who “holds the mind steady in the light.” In terms of group work, these three energies (love, light, and the receiving vital etheric force) connect what DK calls “the aspiring groups” in the outer world, with “the overshadowing beneficent Forces,” which over-light us from on high.