Increasing Spiritual Potency Through the Practice and Application of Soul Qualities

Spiritual Mediation
Triangles Meditation Group Webinar - November 21, 2022

Michael Galloway

Today the many divisions within the human family are being thrown into stark relief. These of course have always existed. But in light of the urgency to move forward into a new era of cooperation, unity, and right relationship the resolution of these divisions takes on greater urgency.

Many today see the vision, the spiritual ideal, of what could be if the “better angels” of humanity’s nature won the day. Many also see clearly where Humanity is, with hope and with the full power of the creative mind which plans the way from where we are to where we can and must arrive.

Right Vision and a creative attitude are key qualities for the sort of spiritual mediation so needed as humanity moves into the coming age. This mediation occurs in the realm of consciousness, ideals, and values, but addresses them as they permeate the worlds of human thinking, emotion, action, and relationship. It aims to align human living with the universal spiritual ideals safeguarded by wisdom traditions throughout the world from antiquity right up to today. These values are expressed in a multitude of ways, but all fall within the scope of the greatest universal value of all, Love—love that knows no barriers, recognizes all men as brothers, a love that shares and sacrifices for the good of others and the whole. When the fullest expression of love comes to govern human culture and civilization, it will produce right relationship at many levels: within and among the diversity of the human family, between humanity and the other kingdoms in nature, within the various parts of the planetary life, and between God and Man, who we must never forget was created in His image.

The production of relationship of any sort always requires a third or mediating factor to bring it about. In the context of international relations this might be a common interest or shared threat; in the business world this might be the achievement of financial gain. In every case, the quality of the mediating factor determines the quality of the relationship. What is needed today are mediating points of light working fully within the realm of human living and with all the qualities of the soul: selflessness, sacrifice detachment, dispassion, intellect, and unerring compassion.

The soul is the subjective and spiritual part of man, the agent or self, the observer and director of the outer life; it works through the medium of the personality which is its vehicle and mechanism. It draws its strength from the Kingdom of souls in which it resides and especially that great planetary center, the Spiritual Hierarchy, which is the soul and heart of our planetary life. The Hierarchy is a reservoir of lighted energy that guides the evolution of consciousness within humanity. Members of Hierarchy have triumphed over matter and achieved the goal of self-mastery, attuning their minds and hearts with the mind and heart of God, producing at-onement within their own natures and thereby freeing themselves to participate more fully in the greater Life in which we all have our being. They work with the highest wisdom, compassion, and power to formulate and work out the Divine Plan. This Plan emerges from the impelling power of evolution itself and is never imposed by coercion. It aims to safeguard individual freedoms, especially of thought, and ensure that free will flourishes.

In the 1930s under Hierarchical impulse, a great subjective mediating group was formed within the center Humanity with the intention to link Humanity with Hierarchy and to enable all the qualities and potencies held there to permeate human consciousness and living. This group is the New Group of World servers. It is composed of men and women in every country, of every nationality, of diverse ideologies, political affiliation, and they are found today in every field of human enterprise. The main requirement for membership in this group is meditation, however it is not necessarily occult or religious meditation, but rather creative meditation, the ability to focus the mind upon that which can serve humanity in a compassionate response to human need. The ability to decentralize oneself from the world of purely personal, familial, or professional responsibilities is also essential, for membership in this group requires an expanded vision which sees the whole in all its parts. This leads naturally and in time to an awareness of that inner group, the Hierarchy itself, which becomes the source of their inspiration and creative work.

Members of the New Group of World Servers are truly souls-in-incarnation. The soul knows itself to be one with all souls—it knows no separation and is group conscious in the fullest sense. It is the therefore the archetypal mediator—for it relates spirit to its manifested form, divine purpose to its unfolding expression.

Triangles is the perfect opportunity to contribute to the work of the New Group of World Servers, to link up every day with a planetary network which is itself a mediator between humanity and these higher spiritual potencies.



THEME: Increasing service potency through the practice and application of soul qualities.