Sharing the Value of Triangles

The Value of Triangles

Sunny Koshy

     The triangle is the basic geometric form of all manifestation. It is to be seen underlying the entire fabric of creation, whether it is the expression of a solar system, of a zodiacal round, in cosmic triplicities or the tiny reflection of the divine triple whole called a human being. The entire cosmic web is an intricate, constantly moving, interwoven series of triangles wherein each point of a triangle emanates three lines or streams of energy, responsive to and receptive of energies. The triangle concerns the beneficence of Deity, where Life energy streams forth from that which is greater into that which is lesser. Through the intricate combinations of cosmic, systemic, planetary, human, and the Triangles we form together, the purposes of God are working out. Those purposes are motivated by love. It is through triangular relationships that love expresses itself. Love brings about the needed changes for each expression and ultimately brings human consciousness into the required state of inclusiveness.

     One of the most important triangular relationships holds the secret of divine purpose and planning. This is the triangular relationship found in the body of a Cosmic Parabrahman between the Seven Sisters of the Pleiades, the Seven Rishis of the Great Bear and through Sirius to the Seven Sacred Planets. From this cosmic triangle emanates three streams of energy which pour into and throughout the planetary triangle of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity. This relationship potentially affects every kingdom in nature. From the great cosmic triangle come effective, conditioning results which are present in this Aquarian world cycle and emphasize its effects in human consciousness. Potent good can come from this event for humans by a strenuous effort to be of aid in a practical and definite physical sense. Triangles units offer this aid through the daily practice of Triangles. Triangles is related to the total expression of the divine triplicity of energy manifestation as will, love, and intelligence, or life, consciousness, and form.

     Where the human being is manifest, the triangle which symbolizes this appearance are the two eyes and the third eye. The left eye symbolizes the eye of mind, of commonsense, of sight and intelligence. This is the eye of the Mother carrying light from the Pleiades. The right eye symbolizes the eye of buddhi, of wisdom, of vision and love. This is the eye of the Son carrying light from Sirius. The eye of Shiva is the all-seeing eye, the eye which directs the will and purpose of Deity. This is the eye of the Father or Monad carrying light from the Great Bear. From the human angle all that concerns humanity’s development is expressed in terms of illumination and knowledge, in terms of sight and the entrance of light which leads to revelation. The significance of this in the Triangles work is that the Triangles organism is concerned with the entrance of lighted energy into the darkened areas of human consciousness on our planet.

     Our Earth is in process of becoming a sacred planet. This means an interim of upheaval, chaos, and difficulty where there is a transference out of the lower states of consciousness into a higher state. At present the etheric web of light is mostly composed of a pattern of squares. This is slowly changing as the divine plan works out. The etheric web of the sacred planets is largely triangles. The effort on Earth today as seen by the Planetary Logos is to bring about a transformation of the web of the planet and slowly change the existing squares into triangles. This is done by the creation of division within the square, dividing them in half, creating two triangles. Thus, the inner web of light, the etheric body of the planet will become essentially triangles. When the evolutionary process going on today is completed, the creation of a fiery web of triangles will have been organized in this world period. The Lord of the World is releasing new energies into the form aspect, into the life and lives of the various kingdoms. Humanity being the most developed is the point of greatest response. Aggression, glamour, and greed will be transmuted and changed into the power to sacrifice, inclusive surrender, clear vision of the whole, and cooperation.  Triangles units serve humanity through the fiery radiatory living organism in a triangular web formation of light, love, and goodwill. Once fire has free passage along any triangular formation, it flows continuously demonstrating differing radiations. This will bring about changes and alterations in human consciousness, ushering in an age of understanding, brotherhood, sharing, and illumination.

     Triangles is a hierarchical activity, created by, and close to the Heart of Hierarchy. Always preserved and recognizably present at the heart of each triangle is the transcendent point of synthesis, the Christ. The Christ told us, “wherever two or more are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them.”[i] Christ’s Presence within each Triangle informs us that not only is His Love here with us, but so are certain members of the Hierarchy. They are continually approaching closer to earth and humanity in this Aquarian Age. This infers the thought or mental attention of the Christ and certain of His Disciples focusing Their directed attention toward human affairs. The Presence of this transcendent Heart center contains the three aspects of Life and the capacity to draw all things upward toward the Source, participating in the Plan of Life on behalf of the Logos of our planet. The purpose of the Triangles work is to subjectively create an atmosphere which etherically envelops humanity in light, love, and goodwill. Thus, a new living form can breathe and move and appear in the New Age embodying the divine plan. Energy is ever present but it swings into activity vitally and energetically through the cooperative, self-sacrificing, group work of Triangles units in a divine way. This work affects the entire planet for we are invoking and evoking the highest planetary center, Shamballa. In a spirit of goodwill, Triangles units are agents entrusted with the direction of energies, and consciously throwing our will on the side of evolution aspiring to make life energies creatively constructive. By working in and through the Triangles network, we form representative channels of the great hierarchical tide of progressive energies pouring throughout our planet. There is no being on Earth, from the very lowest form of life to the very highest, who will not be affected by these energies and thus move all onward and upward toward a greater and finer expression of divinity.

Thank you.


[i] Matthew XVIII:20.