The Lowest Interlude

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on December 18, 2017:

We’re approaching the end of the waning cycle of the sun, when its light is diminishing, and just as in the period of the new moon in the monthly cycle, this is a time of considerable spiritual opportunity.  It’s said that Sagittarius takes us to the door--that door that opens during the period of the winter solstice, the finale of this interlude period of the annual cycle. In the cycles of the breath this is the phase of “love to all beings,” which well-describes the sacred potential of this time. The word "solstice" is derived from two Latin words: sol ("sun”) and sistere ("to stand still"). This then is the time of the long night, the time when the sun appears to “stand still” for a period of three day until on December 25th it seemingly returns to life and begins its waxing period, its ascent to the north which signals the approach to the higher interlude.

Many people today understand the winter solstice as a day of spiritual opportunity within the annual cycle as did ancient people throughout time.  The solstice was considered a time of spiritual renewal, the return of the light and the rebirth of the sun, which was linked as well by the idea of the birth of the savior.  It is a time to go deep within and to embrace the darkness, recognizing it as providing those conditions wherein there can be a nurturing of our own inner sun.

This solstice will be exact on Thursday at 11:27 am EST, a time to pause and link up within consciousness.  And early this morning we passed through the exact time of the new moon, so we’re in a type of conjunction between two interlude periods.  And another occurrence augmenting the potential of this period this year is the fact that the planet of discipleship, the planet Saturn, is moving into the sign of is its rulership, the sign Capricorn, the day before the solstice.  This means that Saturn will be exactly conjoining the sun on the day of the solstice--a symbol perhaps of the opportunity being held out to the group of world servers during the next three year period to take responsibility and develop strength of purpose through the appropriation of Saturn’s qualities of challenge, testing, decision and karmic opportunity.  

For those who understand somewhat the deeper significances underlying outer events, the opportunity is held out to concentrate our forces, to not “travel up and down the land” and to stand steady within this experience by cultivating inner peace, stillness, and poise and the attitude of the Observer.

During such opportunities as the Christmas season, members of the group of world servers can attempt to direct the thoughts and prayers of all those throughout the world who are linking with the Christ and, in conjunction with the Hierarchy, project that line of lighted energy into those reservoirs of light and love that exist within the highest center. This act, we’re told, can result in the stirring and release of those waters of life that can result in the healing of the sick as well as the healing of the nations.

We can use as well the power of our collective prayer to call upon the Spirit of Peace, that great Life who overshadows the World Teacher.  This Being is one of the three points of the Triangle standing behind the World Teacher as he seeks to prepare humanity for the coming externalisation--the other two points of the Triangle being the Buddha and the Avatar of Synthesis.  

It’s said that the effect of the influence of the Spirit of Peace will demonstrate in two ways—fully when the World Teacher appears among humanity and slowly and gradually before that time, meaning now: His overshadowing influence is said to be destined to bring peace to Earth, through the expression of goodwill, working out as right human relations.  This overshadowing influence was first felt unconsciously by humanity in 1936 and then again in 1945—a 9 year cycle. Perhaps this 9 year influx of this overshadowing energy has continued since that time and if so, 2017 fell into alignment with this cycle, strengthening humanity’s opportunity to attune itself to the powerful current of love which is brought into our radius.  If this is so, perhaps some of the swiftness of the forces of change that we have seen working out in our planet at this time may be related to this inflowing energy.  In the book  The Reappearance of the Christ, p. 74 we’re told that the influence of the Spirit of Peace upsets the established forces of materialism and works out in two major results, which are outlined here:

  • a. The chaos, turmoil, emotional disturbance and mental unbalance found in the world today will be balanced by a corresponding cycle of calm, emotional quiet and mental poise, thus releasing humanity into a new phase and experience of freedom. The adjusted peace will be commensurate to the experienced disturbance.
  • b. The hate which is so dominant in the world today will—through the life of the Spirit of Peace, working through the Christ, the Embodiment of the love of God—be balanced by an expressed goodwill. The guarantee of the appearance of that goodwill is the excessive expression of hate—a hate which has been slowly mounting in the minds of men since the beginning of the 19th century, and which is reaching a new high at this time. A proportionate measure of the energy of love will demonstrate later as the result of the activity of the Spirit of Peace, working through the Prince of Peace, as Christ has sometimes been called.

Surely at this time of year, drawing upon the forces of love in our world cannot but aid our planet as it struggles towards the light.  And to quote a well-known passage from an ancient teaching which surely speaks to the promise of the influence of the Spirit of Peace: “"So peace will come again on earth, but a peace unlike aught known before. Then will the will-to-good flower forth as understanding, and understanding blossom as goodwill in men" (Ibid., p. 14).