The New Culture and the Lighted Way

The New Culture and the Lighted Way
Triangles Meditation Group Webinar
October 24, 2022

Michael Galloway

Humanity is today at a decisive point in its evolutionary history. The creative powers of the human intellect have reached a high point of development while other faculties – of virtue, goodwill, and right relationship – lag behind, but are waxing ever stronger. Evidence of this can be seen in the rise in popularity of social and ideological movements. Imperfect though they are, they strive towards righteousness and human betterment as each of them see it and work squarely within the realm of thought and ideas, but without the wisdom and vision to see their relationship to the whole.

We are entering an era characterized by a reorganization of the psychological life of humanity that will be based upon unity rather than separation, cooperation rather than zero-sum games. Esotericism refers to this great expansion of consciousness as the First Initiation. It will mean the opening of humanity’s spiritual eye and aspiration to the world of higher values, and once it occurs, it cannot be undone. Today, the question of morals, righteousness and values looms ever important within the public intellectual sphere. The intense contention between the various ways of thought reveals both a focusing of human aspiration and at the same time the utter failure of the concrete mind alone to guide humanity upon its way.

What is needed is a higher type of vision, one that will only come when humanity’s higher faculties are awakened. The faculties of the lower, purely intellectual mind function under the law of economy and produce knowledge through separation and classification. The higher mind sees all things in their wholeness; it perceives the meaning and purpose of human living, our relationship to each other, and to all kingdoms in nature.

The first and truest evidence of this higher faculty is the voice of the conscience—the inner guide which innately knows the right. This voice speaks loudest in the silence and when the illusions, delusions, and glamours—the vices and imperfections of the human condition—are quieted. One’s attention can then be focused inwards and upwards in a very natural communion with the soul, the Master in the Heart.

The soul knows itself to be one with all souls and is group conscious. Through the soul, one comes to know the kingdom of souls, that “great band of brothers” who have risen above the purely human consciousness and have learned, to some degree, to enter into the Mind and Heart of God, and to bring that quality forth in the beauty, purity, and creative power of their lives. These men and women bridge the human and the superhuman worlds. They are highly sensitive, and both mind and heart are allied towards the goal. They are able to see in both worlds at once and thereby bridge between them. Becoming this bridge, this ‘lighted path’, in time leads to the manifestation of artistic and intellectual genius, and of true wisdom. By this lighted bridge, the meaning and purpose of human living are revealed and a new paradigm can be born—one of beauty, heart, and intellect that respects where we are and leads us towards the higher principles enshrined in every major spiritual and religious movement from antiquity.

Humanity is destined to become the planetary light bearer. And what is needed to guide humanity upon this path are “steadily shining points of light” that can demonstrate the fact of relationship and a clear perception of all issues, thereby illuminating the way. Through these many points of light scattered around the world, a new culture can be brought about. This culture will be a true approximation of heart and mind and be based upon right relationship between all parts for the good of the whole. It will evidence a wisdom which comes from keen discernment, a right proportion of values, and the ability to submerge one’s own pet ideology into the vast field of ideas, thereby better approximating truth. This requires a careful watchfulness, the cultivation of detachment and the practice of a goodwill that others no one, that rises above all markers of separation, and affirms the unity of all men.

These steadily shining and advancing points of light constitute one united group in consciousness and collectively are the new group of world servers. Triangles is a service activity of this group precipitates light and goodwill into human consciousness. This activity reminds us: that which we are striving to become and to manifest, already exists within the higher realms of consciousness. It is our task to bring forth what is already there through the magical power of the soul which is expressed through the mind, necessitates the employment of the will, and uses, as its directing agency, the heart guiding us on the straight and narrow way.