New Moon Meeting

Due to the Coronavirus, and until further notice, all physical meetings for the New Moon and Full Moon are cancelled and will be replaced by live audio broadcasts via Zoom

Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of outbreathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere. The meeting will include an exploration on the theme Intuitive Perception and the Problems of Humanity, followed by group discussion and meditation. Please call or email us if you will be attending, or contribute your thoughts prior to the meeting we will share them with the group when possible.

Intuitive Perception and the Problems of Humanity

The intuition has been variously defined as “an extraconscious mental process” (Jung); “the direct assimilation of a knowing faculty with its object” (Fr. Maréchal); and “the apprehension by the mind of reality directly as it is and not under the form of a perception or conception” (H. Wildon Carr). Esotericism defines the intuition as Pure Reason, the direct apprehension of truth as it exists untainted by the illusory nature of the manifested world. This state of consciousness is characterized by a union of the perceiver (the self) and the object of perception (knowledge) resulting in an experience of true synthesis. The vision bestowed transcends the five ordinary senses and even the intellect as it is normally understood.

Illumination, the name given to the process of intuitive perception, is fundamentally the result (and culmination) of meditation understood as the use of the mind towards union—with God and with one’s fellow human beings. The intuition, at times accompanied by an experience of mystical ecstasy (though a true intuition transcends the lower pairs of opposites), can only be brought about via the development of the intellect to a point of consummation—as a means of acquiring knowledge as well as a discriminative and bridging agent.

Experiences of the intuition have been recorded by many of humanity’s most exceptional scientists, theologians, and philosophers throughout the ages. Today, owing to the impending planetary energies combined with humanity’s more-advanced stage of evolution, one can expect the prevalence of true intuitive experiences to increase. Given the peculiar problems which today plague humanity and the fact that they are being brought to a point of profound tension, it is worthwhile to consider what role the intuition—if it is to increase in the world—will play in building a pathway of solution to these problems.

Questions for reflection:

1. What changes will be wrought in human thinking when the fact of illumination is recognized as a legitimate process for the ascertainment of truth?

2. What role can the synthesis of science and theology play in solving humanity’s problems?

3. How can the fact of synthesis which results during the process of intuitive perception be practically applied to a specific field of human living? Can you identify any examples (either historical or contemporary) of this occurring?


• Alice A. Bailey, From Intellect to Intuition, Ch. 7.

• Fr. J. Maréchal, Studies in the Psychology of Mystics, Intro and Ch. I, “The Object of Positive Science,” pp. 3-6.

• “Intuition," Theosophy Wiki,

• A.A.B., The Light of the Soul, Book III, Stanza 33.

• Intuition and the Creation of a Better World.  


Listen to a Live broadcast of the Meeting


Lucis Trust Bijeenkomsten

New York

Monday, December 14, 2020 06:00 PM

Lucis Trust
866 United Nations Plaza
Suite 482

New York

NY 10017

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