New Moon Meeting

Due to the Coronavirus, and until further notice, all physical meetings for the New Moon and Full Moon are cancelled and will be replaced by live audio broadcasts via Zoom. Archives of the broadcasts will continue to be posted here. The Zoom broadcasts for New Moon and Full Moon will include a talk followed by a meditation. An email notice will be sent in advance of the meeting with all the information needed to link to the Zoom broadcast.


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of out-breathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere.

Money: A Great Spiritual Force

The need to prepare world conditions for the glory of the coming era is great, and nowhere is the whole problem of human selfishness, of greed, and of the right direction of energy so focalized as in the problem of money.

Money is energy circulating through the medium of human relationship, and it is Humanity’s responsibility to wield, direct, and concretize it in alignment with the highest good. Energy does follow thought and the attractive power of desire, particularly when focalized by a group aligned with spiritual purpose, is an effective means of directing the human will and drawing the object of that desire into the group’s sphere of influence.

Today, a group consciousness is emerging within the human family. Individuals across the planet are awakening to a subjective identification with a group purpose which is united by no outward marker of identification, but only by the intention to bring the highest good into manifestation. This group is the New Group of World Servers. The task of those within this group who work with money is to bring into greater prominence the Principle of Sharing so that money, on a world scale, is increasingly directed with a vision of the good of the whole, and therefore becomes truly constructive and not limited by the illusion of human separateness.

Today there are numerous initiatives emerging in the field of finance which may be a great aid to bring about the redirection of money for spiritual purposes. Some of the most salient of these—digital and cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies, decentralized finance, and the proliferation of small investors—will be introduced and discussed.

Question for Reflection:

  1. Many advocate for the need for fundamental systemic changes to our economic and financial systems as the only way to make them more equitable. Do you agree? How would such changes bring about a reorientation of human values and a culture of sharing?




Lucis Trust Bijeenkomsten

New York

Monday, January 3, 2022 06:00 PM

Meeting will be held online only

Onafhankelijke plaatselijke bijeenkomsten

Bezoek in deze site naar het bestand van het Wereldwijde Netwerk met een lijst van onafhankelijke groepen die meditatiebijeenkomsen organiseren ten tijde van de Volle Maan.

Volle Maan Tijden


Live-uitzendingen van Lucis Trust bijeenkomsten

Verenigd Koninkrijk

De uitzending van deze bijeenkomst begint op 11:00 PM Londen Tijd (Lokale Tijd)

Verendiged Staten

De uitzending van deze bijeenkomst begint op 6:00 PM New York Tijd (Lokale Tijd)


De uitzending van deze bijeenkomst begint op 12:00 AM Genève Tijd (Lokale Tijd)
