Cycle of Conferences World Economic Forum 2021

Cycle of Conferences

World Economic Forum

(The Davos Agenda)

January 25-29 2021

Dear Co-workers,


The Cycle of Conferences is placing a focus, beginning today, on the World Economic Forum Virtual Annual Meeting (The Davos Agenda), 25-29 January 2021.


In the light of the Coronavirus crisis, the Davos Agenda will be focused on a ‘Great Reset’ initiative, with the intention of offering “insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons.” There is a clear recognition amongst the organisers that humanity is facing a potential for transformational change and this 2021 meeting envisions an opportunity to “build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being.”


The Davos Agenda comes at a time when the general atmosphere of fatigue and frustration produced by the pandemic, and the desire to return to the stability of a known past, could undermine the will to really think through and implement changes that are needed. It is here that our collective intention to plant a lighted seed of ‘will energy’ into the heart of the thoughtform under construction at the virtual gathering can play a vital role.


The coordinated imagination of a group of thinkers can help participants in the five-day event to tap into those forces of intelligent loving creativity that are needed if the world is truly to be transformed. These forces are always available to guide human thinking, planning and action. We can think of them as carrying the imprint of the divine Plan or the direction of evolution, and it is during times of intense crisis that humanity is most likely to call them forth.  What is of inestimable value in the quality of the invocation from humanity that accompanies historical moments such as this, is the ability of trained esotericists to perceive events ‘under the aspect of eternity’, and to support the new consciousness needed to organize and manage the affairs of the world. There is an urgency surrounding the will-to-act amongst powerful political and economic groups as well as people of goodwill in general. This must be qualified by spiritual principles of loving intention if the world is to be truly transformed towards the Good. Our work together can empower this outcome amongst the minds and hearts assembled to work with the Davos Agenda.


Our lighted support of the World Economic Forum Davos Agenda begins now, and continues until the final day of the Meeting on the 29th of January.



Headquarters Group


Cycle of Conferences


From the Great Reset:

"Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being."

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