On The Wings Of Soul Expression - December 2021

The dream of freedom is one of the most potent forces driving societal changes in our modern times. Its emergence onto the world stage can be especially noted around the time of the Second World War when US President Franklin D. Roosevelt made freedom the theme of his State of the Union address. In his speech, he proposed that people everywhere in the world should enjoy Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Worship, Freedom from Want and Freedom from Fear. These freedoms were regarded as so important that they were included in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights and have since become a defining source of vision. But they are also a point of tension and conflict as each nation in its own way struggles in the quest to balance the individual freedoms of speech and worship with the collective freedoms from want and fear.

The spiritual path for the individual is essentially a path of freedom, and it is similarly characterized by both vision and tension. To be free is to break out of the self-centered impulses, desires and thoughts of the separative identity which imprisons the soul. Yet this freedom also requires an acceptance of the soul’s nature, orientation and authority as the teacher within. A struggle to free oneself of illusion and glamour may require a lifetime’s focus and persistence. We are often blind to our shortcomings and need a keen discipline to practice dispassion, discrimination, and detachment, so that we do not succumb to a glamour of supposed freedom, where we imagine ourselves as isolated units, free to do as we wish without any sense of responsibility to the good of the whole.

Rather than being isolated as individuals, each of us is embedded within communities of relationship, within groups small and large. Even the soul, with its individual essence, is part of a group with a task to be performed in the unfolding divine plan. From this perspective of the group conscious soul, individual freedom lies in the ability to find and to choose one’s unique contribution to the service provided by the group. We are shaped by group relationships, just as we shape the groups that we are part of, and we evolve together as groups. The Triangles network is a living example of this group synthesis. It is part of that universal group of spiritual servers, from all traditions, using the power of thought, invoking higher energies of light and goodwill and radiating them on behalf of humanity and its evolving expression of soul consciousness which is true freedom.