Where Do We Find Hope? - March 2022

Because we are living in testing and challenging times the question of where we find hope reaches into the depths of our being. To what extent do we look to the future through rose-tinted glasses? What seems realistic and possible? Much around us seems chaotic, disoriented, divided, and confused. The noise of criticism and complaint can feed cynicism and overwhelm our sense of what is right and good. 

It is precisely because of this that we need to seek out the seeds of hope planted deep within our being. Only as we attend to them can we touch a vibration of hope that is real; and only then can that vibration sound through our thoughts and interactions.  Through this silent inner work, our meditations can radiate the essential energies of hope in our Triangles and throughout the living Triangles network, revitalizing hope and faith in the future for the entire field of human consciousness. 

Triangles works with causes rather than effects, and the network distributes uplifting energies through light and goodwill. Hope, like faith in the future, and the vision of future possibilities, comes from the soul, that essential, lighted part of our being, often referred to as the Buddha nature, or as ‘Christ in you, the hope of glory’. In this sense, hope is evidence of things not seen. Regardless of the path we tread in our spiritual journey, the Triangles meditation calls us to stand face to face with the deepest area of the psyche where the sacred light of all spiritual traditions connects to the incarnated personal self with all its mental, emotional and will aspects. 

Hope springs eternal from that lighted centre. It flows from the perceived reality of the human as both soul and personality because the soul is always present. The redeeming potency of the inner Christ consciousness is a part of human nature, just as it is a part of the world of human affairs and relationships.

The narrative of these challenging times can be thought of as preparation for humanity’s next step in its spiritual evolution, a collective initiation at some level or other. The testing is for each one of us to find our inner mettle, the inherent strength to engage with the integration of soul and personality, consciously orienting mind and heart to the soul’s ability to heal, redeem and transform. These vibrations characterize the service that Triangles of light and goodwill distribute for the greater good of all Earth’s kingdoms.