Bridging No-Man’s Land - June 2021

“All things are in flux; the flux is subject to a unifying measure or rational principle. This principle (logos, the hidden harmony behind all change) bound opposites together in a unified tension, which is like that of a lyre, where a stable harmonious sound emerges from the tension of the opposing forces that arise from the bow bound together by the string.”   Heraclitus

In the passing of this most challenging year, flux has been one of the most outstanding features, even if unified tension has not seemed much in evidence. All facets of daily interactions throughout the world have seen far-reaching changes brought about in connection with the coronavirus. Crisis, whether individual or global in nature, has highlighted tensions revealing both obstacles to, and opportunities for, constructive reform – the selfish and separative jostle with the inclusive and sacrificial in one tumultuous mix. 

Reacting to the turmoil of this life in the three worlds, it is helpful to recollect that the pull of the senses is ultimately quelled through the sound which arises as a result of inner illumination. Through this means, life eventually comes into clearer focus and, through detachment and dispassion, moves consciousness beyond the realm of the five senses. The fundamental polarity between spirit and matter is resolved in the middle ground of soul and the gradual merging of all the lesser dualities evolves in a natural order. Then pain and struggle are seen in the light of a higher purpose and as part of the drama through which all forms must pass on the way to liberation.

That which is coarse and brittle then gives way and the dim outline of that which is on the horizon begins to be perceived. However, the very unfamiliarity of the in-between space in which we find ourselves during this time of transition is at once confusing in its mystery and arresting in its possibilities. Here the bridging group of Triangles members holds within itself the ability to stand as translators and mediators of this no-man’s land.

“As a man thinketh so is he” is a well-known maxim which provides a practical and effective framework for this mediation, and this finds its esoteric expression in the “as if” technique, in which thoughts that resonate with the soul are cultivated and then activated through imagination and visualization.1 As a result of this triple activity, the soul’s energy is released in a new and dynamic manner. Triangles workers are using this technique in their group-focused meditation and the unified tension of the network is bringing about the needed energetic shift within the planetary etheric body. 

The Light of the Soul, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Book II, Sutra 33) pp. 191-193, Alice Bailey