The Planetary Network

The planetary network of light, love and service is transforming the mental climate of the planet, reorientating humanity to spiritual attitudes and values. The groups and activities reported in the Bulletin reflect different aspects of the network.

From time to time we receive news from coworkers around the world about their service work in their local communities. We recently received a communication from a co-worker in South Africa, which we would like to share with you:

African Goodwill Network

Many changes are taking place in the world and Africa is not excluded. Our service activities since the last communication, have continued to feature the Great Invocation in African languages on our web page, African Goodwill Network, as well as a feature on Relationships, with articles ranging from ‘Relationships with our families’ to ‘Relationships – Dedicated to the memory of Nelson Mandela’. Members of the network participate in a full moon Skype Group each month. Although the connectivity is problematic at times, we are determined to try and solve that. This initiative was taken by the Nigerian Goodwill Group, and it is a means by which we are “strengthening the hands” of our fellow servers. People of African origin living outside Africa are being attracted to this group.

The Full Moon Meditation groups of Pietermaritzburg and Lions River continue but most members are elderly and with the escalating costs of transport the numbers are reduced. We have therefore started a “virtual” group. Each of us linking up with the other meditators, and doing the full moon meditation at a time on the day “as if” we are all present. We get in touch with each other afterwards by sms or email. This is working very well.

P.O. Box 13718, Cascades, 3202, South Africa


PhotoVoice trains people from disadvantaged and marginalised communities to use photography and storytelling as advocacy tools and to achieve positive social change. The group started in 1998 on a voluntary basis through the partnership of two Edinburgh University students. It became a UK registered charity in 2003. Its vision is working towards a world in which “no one is denied the opportunity to speak out and be heard”.

“Photography is a highly flexible tool that crosses cultural and linguistic barriers and can be adapted to all abilities. Its power lies in its dual role as an art form and a means to record facts. It provides an accessible way to define realities, communicate perspectives and raise awareness of important social and global issues.”

Its ethos is based upon a set of core values, especially sharing learning and working to improve methods, building awareness of responsible practice and ethical working, and maximising impact in the field of participatory photography.

PhotoVoice has conducted more than 50 projects in 23 countries. It also provides consultancy services to NGOs and Local Authorities which are looking “to develop, design and implement their own participatory photography projects”.

PhotoVoice, 2nd Floor, 94 Leonard Street, London EC2A 4RH, UK

t: +44 (0)20 7033 3878
e: [email protected]