The Power of Thought to Manifest the New Civilization

October 25, 2021

PDF of the presentation

We have all heard the term “New Age” and have numerous ideas and impressions based on the is phrase – both good and bad.  So, let’s begin with a different term to clear our minds – the new or Aquarian civilization.  What does this mean?  Alice Bailey tells us that it is the age of synthesis, of inclusiveness and of understanding, and the new education of the Aquarian Age must begin very gently to penetrate the human aura. 


Correlation of the First Ray Forces at Work during 1918-1945 and Today

October 18, 2021

PDF of the presentation


Hercules at the Gates of Leo, Libra and Scorpio

October 11, 2021

First part of the presentation

Second part of the presentation

Let us turn our thoughts once again to Hercules, whom we called last time, and for a good reason, “the greatest hero of all”.

We are so accustomed to classical mythology, that we may not see how unusual it is to have so strong an emphasis on heroes, as classical myth has. We see this as we compare Greek mythology with the mythology of other cultures, which do not have nearly so many heroes.


Imagination and Intuition

October 4, 2021

PDF of the presentation (part 1)
PDF of the presentation (part 2)

Imagination and Intuition are inherent, even if unawakened, in every human being, and can be viewed as the higher and lower interludes of the creative process of the soul whose task it is to create on earth the pattern of things as they are in the heavens. 
