The Pentacle Star and the Hidden Geometry

This talk is a speculation on the symbolic significance of the construction of the blue pentacle star within the New Age Symbol used in the Alice Bailey teachings and which according to the article on the Lucis Trust’s website, ‘indicates some of the significant forces and deeper factors now increasingly operating as the new age advances.’

In a previous talk I discussed the formation of this New Age Symbol based on an unfolding geometric construction of circles, axes and triangles. It was possible previously to establish within a central circle the location and size of the 5 pointed Pentacle Star in the overall symbolbut I could not find an intrinsic connection between the construction of this star with the preceding geometric construction of the other parts of the symbol. They were separate entities and unconnected.

However after some research I have found a way to construct the pentacle star and relate it to the rest of the symbol. I owe a debt of gratitude to Robert Lawlor who shared this construction in his wonderful Thames and Hudson book, ‘Sacred Geometry’.

As the Lucis Trust article points out, this star is the expression of the Christ or World Teacher’s influence on Humanity over the past 2000 years during the Piscean Age, and it is of great potency, to quote the article “The Star is blue because it represents as much of the solar quality to which humanity can respond.”To put it another way we can perhaps say that this blue star is a symbol of the amount of Love / Wisdom consciousness that humanity is sensitive to and can gradually respond to as the Aquarian Age unfolds.

Returning to the underlying geometry of the pentacle star, its construction also gives us both the Taoist Yin Yang symbol and the “Squaring of the Circle” symbol representing the reconciliation of Spirit and Matter. 

Below in Appendix A are an illustrated sequence of steps required to construct the symbol. The first and fundamental part of the process is the drawing of two equal circles sitting side by side within the inner circle of the construction. Then a large pair of overlapping circles is drawn encompassing the two smaller circles.

We now draw a third circle at the base of the two twin circles forming tangential relationships between these smaller three circles. 

There are now 5 intersection points around the inner circle from which the pentacle star can then be drawn.  

The first at the top of the inner circle intersecting with the vertical axis of the background cross, the second and third are two points either side of this axis where the large vesica formed by the two large overlapping circles intersects with the inner circle and lastly the two lower points where the smaller construction circle intersects with the main inner circle. This then produces the points of the pentacle star circumscribed in the inner circle.

If we now draw a square around the inner circle and then a larger circle spanning across the long horizontal vesica we have the Squaring of the Circle construction.

The large circle and the square have approximately the same length of boundary or perimeter. As you may recall from your school maths lessons, we can never exactly calculate the circumference of a circle as its value is always an approximation and is called an irrational or, better described, as a supra rational number. This for the geometrician therefore symbolises ‘Spirit’, which is intangible however the perimeter of the Square is accurately calculableand is therefore rational, tangible and symbolises ‘Matter’.

We can now see the interdependent relationships between these geometrical figures. 

 The two lower corners of the yellow triangle delicately touches the sides of the ‘Matter’ square whereas the triangle’s apex point seems to breaks through the square to the ‘Spirit’ circle behind.

As we are told in the article, “This (yellow) triangle is formed by the three great extra-planetary entities now aiding the Plan for the planet, and especially standing behind the Christ to aid his work for humanity”, the historic Buddha relates to the lower right hand point of the triangle and the Spirit of Peace or Equilibrium relates to the other base point at the lower left with the Avatar of Synthesis at the apex point.

We could say within the context of this symbol that this ‘Spirit’ circle represents the Golden disc of Shamballa and the Square represents Humanity as the 4th Kingdom of Nature, ‘4 square’ expressed as its Personality vehicle.

The Pentacle Star symbolising the Soul vehicle of Humanity, of evolving Christ Consciousness, can now be seen to be firmly rooted in this web of subtle relationships underlying the New Age Symbol, playing a mediating role between all aspects of this system or energy circuit.

Returning to the twin circles substanding this geometry, by colouring in white and grey two fish-like portions of the main inner circle we can see the TaoistYin Yang symbol representing the reconciliation of the duality of the manifest world where the manifest world which is always in a state of change and flow.

It is interesting to reflect on the significance of the hidden Yin Yang and Square figures in the context of the New Age Symbol and how they are intrinsic to the creation of the pentacle star of Solar Consciousness and the disc of Shamballa representing the spiritual Will. 

Thus the civilisations of both East and the West are symbolically represented as integral parts of the unfolding story of the Aquarian Age, symbolising the ‘wise infiltration of the new into the old.’

Here follows a short animation to express these relationships more poetically.


For further information on the New Age symbol, see