One Flame with Many Sparks

The spiritual aspirant follows a path into the light and with this comes a deeper realisation of the abundance of Life. In contacting the light within oneself, there comes an awareness of the connected nature of light and its universality. This energy of the universe flows through all forms – there is but “One Flame with many sparks of differing brightness within that Flame.”[1] The light is one, and the energy is one – such is the glory of the great eternal Light.

Through daily spiritual practice, we become gradually accustomed to this abundant energy which pours into the waiting and receptive mind. We begin to recognise that this energy works through us, that it radiates out into the world through our minds and hearts. It is not a light we acquire for ourselves: it is light that we tune into in order to share with others. And as it illumines our minds, we begin to see that within which stands as a barrier to the light, our imperfections that distort and diminish the radiatory power that inspires us to walk this purificatory path. The light, therefore, has redemptive power that brings transformation, greater understanding and a more inclusive vision. Gratitude, generosity of spirit and a desire to share light, love and understanding come to those who touch the light. Its abundance is recognised, for light is seen emanating through individuals and groups everywhere. Thus, the divine Plan is more deeply sensed and a desire to serve that Plan is evoked.

Triangles is a wonderfully effective way to serve the Plan and share the abundant energy contacted through spiritual practice. Each Triangle fits within the great network of light and goodwill and has a powerful effect on the network because each Triangles member, as he or she links with the two other points of light, is in contact with the One abundant light. That abundance floods the network of light and goodwill through the intention, attention and expectation of all its members and conveys that light and goodwill to the hearts and minds of people everywhere so that they have an increased ability to anchor the Plan on earth.

When the increasing numbers of those who work with light on behalf of humanity become sufficiently united, their radiation will surely be felt in all the kingdoms of nature. This is the "life more abundant" of which the Christ speaks[2] and humanity’s goal to transmit this spiritual energy to the lower kingdoms will eventually see its triumph and bring light, love and Life to all the Earth.

1. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 626
2. A Treatise on White Magic, p. 91