The Science of Meditation - June 2017

There are many methods of meditation being practiced today and each method has its specific purpose, for example, for relaxation, healing or self-development. Through the Raja Yoga technique of meditation – the Kingly Science of the Soul – the student aims to integrate the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual life. This technique uses the creative imagination, the art of visualisation and reflection on a seed thought to explore more deeply the underlying meaning of an idea, concept, or object. Through the creative activity of the mind the thinker is able to sense the true inner Reality within the imprisoning walls of the outer form.

According to the Ageless Wisdom tradition, “the universe is an aggregate of states of consciousness” ranging from Absolute or God consciousness, Universal or Group consciousness, Individual or Self-consciousness, through to Atomic or sub human consciousness”.1 The physical brain, with its billions of cells, is regarded as being a “receiving plate” for the mind – which is, in turn, an instrument of the soul or higher Self. The soul – the mediating principle between spirit and matter, is embedded in the form nature, and “…feels, registers awareness, attracts and repels, responds or denies response and keeps all forms in a constant condition of vibratory activity”.2 When soul, mind and brain are aligned there is sensitivity to ideas and impressions which drop into human minds from the spiritual realms, to be later expressed in some creative service. From this perspective, ideas “…are simply channels for new and desired divine energies…”3 later, to become concepts or thought forms which impact upon human consciousness. Here we have confirmation that energy follows thought.

The term meditation also includes the deep reflective thought of the scientist or philosopher and the creative process of the artist, writer or musician; indeed any thinker who uses the mind creatively and imaginatively engages in a form of meditation. Through the creative imagination and the power of visualisation the mind has the power to overcome all obstacles and go beyond existing knowledge.

Triangles co-workers sit quietly and link mentally with other members of their triangle invoking the energies of light and goodwill, visualising these energies as circulating throughout the three focal points of each triangle, and pouring out through the network of Triangles surrounding the planet. Then by sounding The Great Invocation a channel for the downpouring of light and love into the consciousness of humanity is formed. This is a meditative technique that serves humanity and the divine Plan.

1. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 243, footnote from The Secret Doctrine.
2. A Treatise on White Magic, p. 36
3. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 11, p. 170.