The Substance of the Future - June 2021

A mental state of being convinced or fully persuaded defines faith, and whilst this inner conviction is usually thought of in religious terms, it can relate to any field. Scientific theories yet unproven require an inner conviction, the skilled surgeon has confidence in his or her ability to perform an operation and the patient places trust in the doctor. “Faith that finds active expression upon the physical plane in right cooperation and sacrifice…”1is evidence of a well-grounded conviction and is not wishful thinking, nor is it blind faith in the absence of evidence.

The wisdom teachings speak of a world of energies and forces invisible to the eye and, although lacking physical evidence, they are a reality to the intuitive thinker. The science of esoteric astrology is founded on the idea that the cosmos consists of a vast unseen and unknowable mass of energies – ordered and directed by some stupendous Life of which naught may be known. Through the light of the intuition or “straight knowledge” this Life can be faintly sensed, an impulse vitalising the visible world – the power of the oceans, the majesty of mountain ranges, and the incredible variety within the plant and animal kingdoms. The intuitive thinker is convinced that these tangible forms are evidence of the One in whom we live and move and have our being.

An unshakeable belief in a universal energy field underlying all objective forms on our planet is vital for the Triangles work. Through the power of creative thought, the Earth’s planetary network is transformed and uplifted because “thinking” shapes the world or energy follows thought, in the words of the occult maxim. Thoughts are powerfully real, yet they cannot be seen until they manifest – in the written word and speech or in the things that surround us from the humble garden spade to the artificial satellites orbiting the earth. Thoughts manifest  dynamically in our activities and through the countless service groups who serve humanity in so many inspiring ways. According to purpose and intention unseen, subjective thoughts manifest in objective form.

As we enter the Aquarian Age, faith once imposed by some external authority is passing out, and in its place comes the true intuition of the Higher Self – the God Within, a conviction that does not discount knowledge and facts but also sees more of the greater whole beyond the limitations of the reasoning mind. Faith then reveals itself to be a transformative energy, which helps Humanity fulfil its spiritual destiny. It is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen.2

The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, p.256 (adapted) Alice Bailey 

2 The Bible, Hebrews 11:1, (King James version) 
