The Jurisdiction of The Christ

Cycles come and go, and are an intrinsic part of the unfolding life of humanity. Periods of activity oscillate with periods of (apparent) inactivity, the ebb and flow of life is evident all around us. Throughout the long course of human evolution greater and lesser Avatars have appeared, have led exemplary lives of service and have revealed those inner truths appropriate to the age. And, according to the ageless wisdom teachings, a Great One is due to appear again.

Written more than two thousand years ago but equally relevant today, the profound Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad Gita, informs us that “Whenever there is a withering of the law and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil, for the firm establishing of the Law, I come to birth age after age.” Does this description not in some measure highlight world affairs today?

At the end of an era (the last two thousand years) and at the beginning of a new cycle (the Aquarian Age), a growing number of people look to a great Avatar, a World Teacher who can indicate a way, point a direction and reveal those practical inner truths that will lead humanity into a clearer light. Many look to the reappearance of the Christ, others to the Lord Maitreya, the Messiah or the Imam Mahdi, but whatever name we may assign, this same great spiritual Individuality will love and serve all human beings, regardless of race, religion or social position. In some spiritual circles, the name of the “Christ” is understood as that of an office, or that of a position of profound responsibility in the evolving life of the planetary Whole. And, we are informed, there has been more than one exalted Individuality, who has occupied this noble position in the course of human unfoldment.

Over seventy years ago, Alice Bailey suggested establishing a “united world group given to ‘unanimous’ and simultaneous meditation upon the work of preparing the world for the new order and for the jurisdiction of the Christ”. It was envisaged that this group would meaningfully reflect upon the laws and principles that will underpin the Aquarian dispensation. The three laws and three principles are:

The Law of Right Human Relations; The Principle of Goodwill; The Law of Group Endeavour;
The Principle of Unanimity; The Law of Spiritual Approach; The Principle of Essential Divinity.

These six themes essentially reflect the nature of the Kingdom of God. Focused and sustained meditation upon these ideas will help magnetise the thoughtform and paint a clearer picture in the imagination and collective psyche of humanity of this stupendous and solemn event. It is hoped that all who truly sense the significance of this work will play their part in bringing about a purer and truer perspective on the role of the Christ in the world today and beyond.

The Christ, the supreme spiritual executive, stands “attentive to the demand of humanity”. The fiat of the Lord has gone forth and “in such an hour as you think not, He will come.”
