The Science Of Communication

Our present age is, above all, an age of communication and the realisation of the unity of all life. It may be true that in the past the sense of separateness – sometimes indeed of isolation – has governed the waking consciousness of much of humanity. Certainly the great Teachers that have emerged to shine their light into the darkness of human affairs have tried to offset this condition. They have emphasised that at a very deep level our neighbours are ourselves, and have encouraged us to lead lives that will be a blessing to all living beings around us.

Wonderfully now, in the thoughts and actions of the present avant-garde of the human race, we see countless examples of people all over the world who are living out these truths in ways that inspire us all with their acute recognitions of the oneness of all life, and that foster in us a growing demonstration of spiritual realisation and practical responsibility. They are crafting new and compassionate living patterns as a matrix in which humanity can more easily develop and grow into its true role of creative planetary server.

Crucial to developing this new matrix is the consciously used science of communication. Perhaps our first thoughts should focus on the interior realms. Through our daily Triangles work we become aware how this service is built on the unity of all souls. It also creates a
communications network that links soul, mind and brain into a living symbol of spirit so that the outer triangle of human beings manifests the inner reality of the spiritual Triad – pure loving will, in touch with the Plan and committed to service as a way of life.

Our Triangles initiative necessarily bestows many insights. Perhaps one of the important ones concerns the spectacular growth of modern digital technology whose light-bearing fibre optic cables already link most people all over the world. What a beautiful symbol this is of the inner connectedness of humanity beginning to manifest on the outer plane. And what a wonderful service opportunity for spiritually-minded people to use this new communications technology with skill, intelligence and persistence in order to reinforce the growing sense of unity and responsibility within the human family.

Thus our consciously applied use of sacred geometry is inevitably helping to transform the old conflict-based energy structures. And so in our present time we have the privilege of magnetising the inner and outer sciences of communication and of witnessing how this is helping to fuse us into an experience not just of human unity but of the unity of all life. Our age of communication is transforming humanity by turning spiritual theory into realised truth.