Recognising the Three Aspects of Mind - A Triangle of Relationship on the Mental Plane

26 Απρίλιος 2021

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Today we are especially and uniquely working with a triangle of energies of immense service potency. This work is going on in many places in the world. Three energies are involved, 1. the invocative energy of Humanity, a center of creative intelligent activity (a kind of light), which is focusing, increasingly and radiantly, through the New Group of World Servers; 2.the energies of the Christ-- the magnetic attractive power of Love, streaming into humanity, through the Hierarchy; and 3. the extraordinary energy emanating from the Lord Buddha, the embodiment of the principle of enlightenment, as a vehicle for the Shamballa energy, a potency said to be so great that, the Buddha can only stay very briefly when He appears at the Wesak full moon, even after a long preparation by the Hierarchy.


The Light of the Diamond

19 Απρίλιος 2021

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At the full moon and particularly during the Wesak festival the ‘cold light’ of the aspirants and disciples of the world and all selfless servers, that is light that is not tainted by desire, is brought into a unity with the ‘clear light’, the light of truth without distortion, of those who can function freely as souls, the Members of the Hierarchy. While these servers are relatively few in number when compared with the world's population, they are tremendously potent due to their united focus and quality of fusion. 


Triangles for World Peace

12 Απρίλιος 2021


Commentary on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras

5 Απρίλιος 2021

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The Yoga Sutras provide techniques and practices that train the mind and make it a vehicle of the soul.  The sutras were brought forward by the great Indian forerunner Patanjali, who lived 11,000 years ago and laid down in writing what had been an oral tradition for training spiritual seekers in ancient india.  
