Vera Stanley Alder, The Fifth Dimension van Vera Stanely Alder (Auteur)

Vera Stanley Alder, The Fifth Dimension van Vera Stanely Alder (Auteur)

Available only in US

In The Fifth Dimension, Vera Stanley Alder explores the variety of claims made about the effects of meditation—what happens to the student, biological and physical changes, the practice of balanced living, subsequent stages of development, and the phenomena that leads to ultimate fulfillment and achievement. Alder says that we can test the process by choosing a subject we know nothing about, use her exercises to discover how much we can learn about this subject, and begin to actually see that we, too, have the ability to reach the Universal Mind. Her book is an interesting approach to understanding the divine plan of human evolution and progress.

Pocket Boek

$18.95 USD

Taal Opties

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paperback $18.95 USD


Taal Opties

ISBN-13: 978-1-578-63165-0

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Vera Stanley Alder, The Fifth Dimension

240 Pages

Weiser Books

Dimensions 8.5 x 5.8

ISBN-13: 978-1-578-63165-0