The Cosmic Bloodstream, Part 3

Continued from Part 2
- The Cosmic Bloodstream,

From the Cosmic to the Microcosmic Bloodstream

Space plasma as discussed in the previous section, is but the grosser counterpart of a more "radiant electric substance", generally referred to in esoteric texts as the ether. And it is the active aspect of this ether that forms the true divine circulatory flow or bloodstream of the unknown cosmic entity. The electric currents that circulate through space plasma are simply mirroring the eternal motion of the ether at a denser level of cosmic manifestation.

These etheric currents of space are comprised chiefly of hydrogen and oxygen only in a more subtle form than science recognises them in our atmosphere:

  "Before these gases become what they are in our atmosphere, they are interstellar Ether.... Hydrogen, a very inflammable gas, and Oxygen, which produces combustion, form water which is one of the forms of primordial force or fire, in a cold or latent and fluidic form". In their higher forms, hydrogen is "the first-born element . . . most nearly allied to protyle...and oxygen instils the fire of life into the "Mother" by incubation. They are the Spirit, the noumenon of that which becomes in its grossest form oxygen and hydrogen on Earth"1  

As these subtle forms of Hydrogen and Oxygen precipitate from the ether, they form a fire-mist or vapour from which is secreted a rarefied form of ozone presently unknown to chemistry, but regarded by the guides of the race as the elixir of life. It is the electrical interaction of this higher form of ozone with physical substance that results in the production of blood:


Interestingly, for many years much claim-making has been made about the medical value of the mundane form of ozone that is currently known to science, some doctors and biochemists believing that it has remarkable healing properties. Ozone therapy has been popular for some time whereby the gas produced from medical grade oxygen is administered in small precise therapeutic doses into the blood. To date researchers are uncertain whether ozone has a natural physiological role, but the instinctual direction of their research is in line with occult teachings. Studies by Dr Paul Wentworth Junior and colleagues at the Scripps Research Institute USA have led them to believe ozone is naturally created in the human being by neutrophils – the most abundant type of white blood cells.3 If it is confirmed that ozone is indeed produced endogenously by these white blood cells in the human immune system, even sceptics have conceded that this would be of great significance and give merit to the concept of ozone as a medicine. While terrestrial oxygen in the form of ozone is known to have toxic effects if administered to the human being in all but very small amounts, a fledgling science does seem to be emerging, and if this were to lead to the discovery of the higher allotrope of ozone as mentioned above, tremendous life-giving properties would be brought to humanity.

The Waters of Space

Having briefly explored the watery connection between the ether and the bloodstream, noting that hydrogen and oxygen are the constituent elements of both, it is not surprising that the idea of water was often used to describe the nature of the ether in esoteric texts: In the Tibetan's words:

  "We have generated a term we call the ether. Occultly speaking, this is the modern way of expressing "the waters of space", which are the waters of desire, in which we are immersed."4  

Terms such as "the waters of space" and "the waters of desire" are ancient, but effective ways of describing the ether as a creative medium that becomes an active, electric fluid when impregnated by cosmic will and desire. Indeed, we read in Genesis that "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters", and so began the story of Creation.

Creation by Wieslaw Sadurski

Man, being made in the image of God, is also a creative agent, and his will and desire to create is similarly impregnated in his etheric body (the ether that surrounds and interpenetrates his physical body) prior to being electrically precipitated into his bloodstream via the endocrine glands. Ninety per cent of the blood plasma is formed of water whose constituent elements, hydrogen and oxygen, carry the electric charge of primordial fire or ether through which the subjective man manifests himself in the objective world. The blood is literally the life aspect, red with desire, and the quality of desire that man is unceasingly precipitating into his bloodstream determines the fineness or coarseness of the physical body through which he expresses himself.

As the blood is a medium through which the will and desire of man is translated into active expression, so can a similar process be detailed on the cosmic level. Desire, cosmic or mundane, is an animating force and its presence in the universal ether generates motion and results in creativity of some kind. When the will and desire of a cosmic life impregnates the ether, the downward pressure of these cosmic waves fuses specks of ether into electric charges. The cosmic idea is thus propelled into a volatile plasmic state after which it later settles down to further clothe and conceal itself in a garment of gaseous, liquid and physical matter. Here we have the four states of matter that give form to an idea on the physical plane and correspond to the four elements of the ancients: fire, air, water and earth.

Fire/Plasma > Air/Gaseous > Water/Liquid > Earth/Physical

Cosmic Wavesby Wieslaw Sadurski

Cosmic Waves by Wieslaw Sadurski

  Continued on Part 4


  1. The Secret Doctrine vol 1, p. 626, H P Blavatsky
  2. Footnote to "Psycho-Physiological Notes "H P Blavatsky [ The Theosophist, Vol. V, No. 3(51), December, 1883, pp. 81-83]
  4. A Treatise on White Magic, p. 275, A A Bailey