An Important Triangle

May 24, 2017

As we know, Triangles is part of the divine Plan. It is an aspect of that Plan and through means of our participation in this group activity we become part of and aligned with this Plan and aid in its realization, in its working out on Earth.  The Plan becomes real and living to us, not an abstraction.  And this Plan and its working out — as illustrated in the work of the Great Invocation and of Triangles — is related to the fundamental concept of the Triangle —as it works out within our solar system, within our planet, within the kingdoms of nature, within our groups and within ourselves. All these different layers of reality consist of Triangles that contain the three aspects of Spirit, soul and form--or Life, Quality and Appearance.   



May 10, 2017

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on May 8, 2017:

Today we are in the preparatory two-day period before the full moon of Taurus and the festival of Wesak. The climax of the full moon is on Wednesday at 22.42 GMT and 05.42 Eastern time in the US. The importance of this Festival to Buddhists is well known, but the Ageless Wisdom teachings provide us with a deeper insight into the significance of this Festival, and places it in a universal spiritual context.


The Universal Play of Energies

May 10, 2017

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on May 1, 2017:

Extra-planetary impulses are affecting the planetary rhythm and these influences are far reaching. There is no escape from the universal play of energies, all proceeds according to law and cyclical activity. The steadily imposing Will of that great Life Who informs the constellation Aquarius is changing the course of human development. 


Right Use of the Mind

May 1, 2017

Adapted from 'Reflections' by Foster Bailey

The power of thought is tremendous. This we know and seek to use for the common good. Group meditation is the most potent way yet developed of using this thought energy. The practice of group meditation is increasing all over the world as never before.


A Symbol of Joy and Strength

April 26, 2017

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on April 24, 2017

In a time of planetary tension such as the present it’s very heartening to note how effective so many people are becoming at maintaining a focus and alignment with a positive world view based on respect for the planet and for their fellow human beings. This view will be given full display at the global People’s Climate March on April 29th.

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