A Global Silent Minute - Regenerating through a Moment of Silence

Solstice and Global Silent Minute

                                                                                                Antonella Nobilio

I would like to point out the 1st Ray assertive quality and the 7th rhythmic one of the Global Silent Minute medit-Action, particularly in relation to the Solstice Days.

The initial and initiatory Solstice Day is the first impulse of the Cross in the Circle of Sanat Kumara’s annual Cycle, Breath or Ritual. At the December Capricorn Solstice, together with the other 3 discontinuities of the Cardinal Cross (Aries, Cancer and Libra), an act of Power and Will by our planetary Logos is affirmed, which gives life, energy and quality to the whole Year.

Thus, the Power of Silence as Action, this Work of daily Assertion of the Global Silent Minute, anchored both to the initiatory December Solstice and to the seven years impact Week of the New Group of World Servers, follows the celestial Rituality according to the main two Breaths or Cycles of the planetary Logos, rotation and revolution, the Day and the Year, which are relative to the states of consciousness of "I am" (diurnal planetary rotation around the polar axis or dorsal spine, analogous to the direction of individual will) and of the "I am That” (annual revolution around the Sun / Major Center, analogous to the solar or group consciousness):

“All planetary life is supported and guided by two overlapping rituals, the daily and the annual ones. They intermingle and are simultaneous, and it would be difficult to say which is the major and which the subordinate. The contemporary is a constituent of both past and future which reveals the inconsistency of the common conception of time.”  E. Savioni, The Distant Goals. The Eternal Here&Now, which is Everywhere&Always, is another Name of Silence, which is all the sounds.

Any Cycle or rhythmic vortex of Space is in essence "a state of consciousness" tending to the Eternal, to the Silent Breath of the Absolute. And every unity of life, or monad, is the rhythmic basis of infinite Consciousness. 

"Churning is a symbol of cosmogony. He who has accepted so simple a process as the symbol of a great action, has verily understood the correlation between microcosm and Macrocosm. On the physical plane spiral rotation is the basis of the accumulation of substance, and thought also acts in an identical way. From the Summits down to chaos, Space is intensified by the spirals of consciousness. Thought spirally transforms itself into substance, permeating all Cosmos. One must understand and accept the transformation of thought into substance. This welding preserves the supply of substance, for thought is inexhaustible. On Earth much benefit may be reaped from the realization of the substantiality of thought.”  [Fiery World I, 646, Agni Yoga]

So our Silent cyclic Action, both individual and common, is asserted and unfolded in a coordinated way with the subtler and higher Rhythms, which give life and nourish all the kingdoms and beyond. 

The initial December Solstice injects into the planetary field and consciousness the energy of the higher solar Cycles. In particular, this next December 21 (2021) will see the exceptional position both of Neptune 6th Ray and Jupiter 2nd Ray in Pisces (Jupiter and Neptune are both Rulers of Pisces, which transmits the 2nd and 6th Rays). This dual presence enhances in consciousness these energies of Love-Wisdom and of abstract Idealism and Devotion

This happens on the day of the Solstice from the higher causal plane of the heliocentric point of view, but Jupiter and Neptune will be geocentrically in Pisces for the whole year 2022.

Heliocentric chart Dec 21-21 h 4pm UT                                 


Geocentric Chart 21-21 h 4pm UT                      

As we know, the 6th Ray is in sunset with the waning of the age of Pisces yet is silently more and more powerful on an inner deep level: the 6 saves by bringing back to the 1, to the Essence, to the initial Purpose, reuniting the many in circles more and more sacred to the common, all-pervading One Root.

Their heliocentric unification or conjunction in Pisces will be on June 6th 2022 (while geocentrically on April, 12 2022), in the christic Sign of Gemini: the two great Mothers, Jupiter and Neptune, from the very deep Waters of Pisces graft into the depths of consciousness that seed of salvific force which will strip off its material bark in order to progressively reveal to the Hearts the solar Christ, the Truth of right systemic relationships, of Group Unification in the Father’s Home, in Spirit:

Communion is Being.


Furthermore, this Solstice and next year are qualified by the long-lasting and hard quadrature between the 7th Ray Lord of Order Uranus in Taurus, the Sign that rules the planetary Ajna Center, that is, the New Group of World Servers, and the 3rd Ray Lord of creative Intelligence Saturn in Aquarius, the Sign associated with the planetary Heart Center, the Hierarchy (Aquarius is esoterically ruled by the 2nd Ray Lord of Love-Wisdom Jupiter). This relationship between the two Planets of the Battle is the most problematic but also the most dynamic aspect before 2025. 

In particular, in this Solstice the square is activated and tempered by the conjunction Saturn-Mercury, both trine to Venus in Gemini, the Intellect of Love.

The two sacred Rulers of the Middle Way Sign Libra are the incessant dynamo of the solar Heart (their successive conjunctions occur in opposite Signs every about 43 years, thus piercing the solar Heart at the Center): they are the "planets of the battle" for Life, through which the solar Logos ensures the incessant Renewal of Its Order and Laws. We could infer that They are asserting in our consciousness:

May the Light of the divine Order triumph on Earth!

Square to Saturn, Uranus-Taurus crucifies personal freedom to serve the insurgence of true Individuality, that King Server of the collective Individuality, of the Monad or Spirit of the One Humanity. And this can happen only through the Light of Group consciousness (Taurus-Aquarius relation), the union on the abstract mental plane:

“The new structure will rise. Men of goodwill everywhere, under the guidance of the New Group of World Servers, will organise themselves into battalions of life, and their first major task must be the development of right human relations, through the education of the masses. This means the paralleling development of an enlightened public opinion, which is (speaking esoterically) right response to the sound which conveys the will of God to the ears of the attentive. Then humanity will indeed move outward from the desert, leave the seas behind, and know that God is Fire.” (A. A. Bailey, Rays and Initiations, Lucis Publishing Co, p 88)

In synthesis, we could affirm that the year 2022 is the Voice calling to the central Truth: the Return to the Father's House foresees the realization of the One-Humanity, of the hierarchical Humanity, and of the ever higher synthesis between the three planetary Centers (Shamballa-Hierarchy-Humanity). Their fused energy, the saving force, will precipitate in due time[i] the Communion, Brotherhood, the primary Idea of the New Era, of the New Culture, of the New world Religion.

In Formulas:

Solar Love and Compassion attract to the Mystery of Brotherhood (helio)

We are immortal and Unity is our destiny (geo)


From this perspective, the Power of Silence as Action of the Global Silent Minute, being in a “united breath and unified rhythm", in resonance, with the heavenly spirals of the higher Consciousness and Beings, contributes to carve a harmonic path of identification with these fiery Sources of the real Power, invoking soul consciousness and unity in humanity through these Energies of Liberation:

Rulership is not in crowns nor in crowds, but is in the cosmic expanse of ideas.” (Community § 84, Agni Yoga)

The Power of Silence is Action.

[i] The precipitation on Earth of the Idea of Brotherhood is expected for the 3rd decanate of Aquarius, in 1400-2000 years.