Caution on the Descent

Caution on the Descent

Kathy Newburn

Each week we gather together, Triangles members from around the world, and share an opportunity to affect an alignment between the inner and outer worlds. We create a channel for light and goodwill, which are an expression of the energy of Love, the predominant energy controlling our entire solar system, and through this means we help to raise the vibration of planet Earth and contribute to the task before our Logos in bringing about, on the outer planes, the manifestation of a sacred planet. That intention aligns with the intention underlying the work of Triangles for, as you know, a sacred planet is one that is surrounded by a network of Triangles, a planet in which the soul is expressing itself. And no matter what ray we might find ourselves on as individuals, no matter what we might be here to manifest, all rays in this system are sub-rays of the overriding synthetic energy of great Second Ray of Love-Wisdom. We can see, therefore, how the core of our work in Triangles emanates from the heart of our group, the underlying soul and, through this means provides us with a direct line of approach to the Christ Himself, the World Teacher, who is of course found at the heart of Hierarchy and is the preeminent Teacher along the second ray line.

Through this means, through this chain of Hierarchy, we as a group become an instrument through which this love energy can be radiated through the three lower kingdoms in nature – the animal, vegetable and mineral worlds–enlivening them so that they, too, can take their next step upon their evolutionary journey in alignment with the group soul. We can understand, therefore, how this practice of Triangles stimulates planetary healing on all levels for it aids in the restoration of the divine circulatory flow of energy.

This restoration of the divine circulatory flow is an essential aspect of the Plan for our planet–for just as in the life of a human being when the arteries become clogged the blood cannot circulate effectively and the heart struggles to function as it should. Therefore, we might conjecture this congestion in our planetary Life puts more pressure on the new group of world servers, the Christ and the Logos as the energies which should be flowing freely throughout all the kingdoms become blocked, interrupted and humanity and the lower kingdoms suffer as a result.

We are asked to do what we can to let the energies flow freely and restore the circulation so that life and love can flow. Then we, humanity, rise to the occasion of our name – the planetary Mercury – the Mediator, the Messenger– transmuting that which is incoming from the higher kingdoms so that it can be safely and effectively handled by the lower kingdoms.

The disruptions in the divine circulatory flow began – at least in recent times – shortly after the victory of World War II, which was a time of great optimism, high idealism and expectancy and it looked as if we could move rather quickly into serious preparation for the externalization and the reappearance. At least that was the possibility. But the timeline was delayed and this can alert us to a truism that we have to take care during the exhilarating moments in life. These times call for vigilance. For while the momentary joy and celebration that naturally arises after some hard-won victory is understandable, caution is advisable and detachment. For such moments allow for the possibility of a slackening of the tension, an arresting of the normal vigilance and which can lead to mistakes. We can see this demonstrating all the time in climbers. So many deaths and accidents occur on the descent from the heights, following upon the victory of reaching the summit. Perhaps this caution can apply to this time in the annual cycle as well, following upon the stimulation of the Capricorn full moon. As we descend into the field of service we can remember the climbers and keep our cool. But despite all challenges and pressing interference, there is a sense that an energetic shift on a large-scale among humanity is happening and that this interference with the divine circulatory flow is nearing its end point.