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It is said that through the act of meditation carried on by the soul of an individual and the personality of that individual, there will be created – in the physical brain – a point of light.

Light signifies 2 things:

  1. Energy
  2. Form, which that energy will eventually take in physical life

Light and matter are each a reflection of the other, it seems… like the sun reflected in a pool of water in the winter woods. The thought of the man and the impress of the soul have found a point of harmony causing a spark of light – a thought-form – to be born. This thought, or idea, is imbued with a unique power – rising as it does from the point where the human touches the heavenly.

What happens when many, many people, a collective of individuals, touches heaven and brings an idea down? Transformation and regeneration are guaranteed, and in the book Treatise on White Magic, we’re given a phenomenal bit of information regarding the outcome of this kind of sustained activity. “Enough humans… have now contacted the plan so that it may be safely concluded that the collective brain of the human family is susceptible to the vision, and has fashioned its lighted form on the mental plane.” (Pg. 94 TWM)

This statement should give us pause. It should flood us with hope. It should galvanize us into unrestrained action. We were told in 1932, when that statement was written, that humanity had reached critical mass and that we had touched and held soul contact deeply enough that we, as a race, could sense and envision the soul’s intent – what we might call a plan for the evolution of all life on earth. If we had enough then, we certainly have enough now. The ideas and means whereby we will create the future world have been seen and already exist in one mind or another. Some of these ideas started taking physical form 100 years ago – and some, gestating in the minds of millions of us, are on the verge of taking form. All because we have, over time, paused just long enough in the midst of our daily rounds, to meet with our soul.

Who would have thought that we, with all our imperfections, have, hard-wired into our physiology, a means through which to unite with the light and power of our souls?

But we do. Sometimes, this unity is instigated by the soul itself.

In our lives, in your life, was there a still, private moment when your senses were suddenly heightened, when your surroundings lost meaning, when you knew yourself as part of something vast, and calm and wise….?

That was one moment of soul contact. When they happen we don’t forget them. We carry the experience with us throughout our lives. In the slower moments we relive them, and we wonder.

As our lives progress, opportunity for more contact is likely brought before us. This contact is very purposeful and is probably centered around meditation of one form or another. At this point in our evolution there will be foundation to be laid that will enable not just contact with our soul – but with a glimpse of the larger clockwork of the universe.

Meditation is that act of finding the Voice of the Silence. It is a long moment of searching for point to point contact with our soul.

Again from White Magic - “Through meditation, man fans into radiant light that point of light which flickered into being at the time of his individualization ages past – and its effect on the sub-human kingdoms begins.” The contact we make with the light of our souls may originate within our being, but the light then created is meant for a wider use. The “sub-human” kingdoms we know very well. The animal, the vegetable and the mineral.

When we have attained a certain level of radiant light within, we will naturally touch and lift those lives which still, for the most part, sleep the deep sleep of unknowing. The changes we may inspire on an energetic level will express themselves differently for each kingdom, but all will be magnetically pulled toward a more perfect embodiment by stimulating the spiritual aspect, or embryonic soul within. In the case of the mineral kingdom, these forms will produce a higher level of radiation. The current sense that beneficial results can be achieved by keeping certain minerals or stones close to us is a truth in its infancy right now.

In the vegetable kingdom the impact of our soul’s light will be for the plants to have increased beauty and diversity. There will also be the evolution of new species which will have as their objective an increase of a certain kind of vitality.

And in the animal kingdom, the effect of our radiating light will be the total elimination of pain and suffering - a return to the ideal conditions of the Garden of Eden. The Lion will again lie down with the Lamb.

So it is that as the human being consciously contacts his or her soul light, we increase the ability of all life to contact theirs!

What could be more fundamental to life on earth? Air, Water…Light. On a summer’s day, when the light is strong, when the days are illumined well into the evening and life is abundantly in motion, how can we not notice the symbiotic relation between human evolution, and light?

It is said that we are made in the image and likeness of God. We know that our sun is often thought to be a physical representation of a divine light so intense that we cannot comprehend its true nature. By elegant design, our esoteric physiology offers a bridging element between the First Light and the dense molecules of our forms. That very same light that is formed in our brain by way of meditation and union with our souls exists throughout our being. As we are made in the image and likeness of God, the vital building block is not carbon or water, but is Light. A statement to this revelation is contained in a single sentence in TWM.

“The nucleus of every cell in the body is a point of light.”

This is who we are. We are, indeed, made in the image and likeness of our creator. The light in the cell is there in every cell of our body. It is also there, in the cell of all material substance, waiting to be stimulated, woken up, spun into everyday use. This light is sometimes referred to as “dark light” because it is as yet, hiding, encased within the form. But when the individual is under the impress of the soul, then is there a shining forth of light throughout the body as this light breaks free.

Light is proof of divinity. It’s a flashing forth of original intent. It’s the foundational substance of creation, informing all matter from within.

It’s on each of us to ignite our inner atmosphere, to set the indwelling light free. When we join our light together into one great composite sphere of light as we do in Triangles, we not only create a magnetic force great enough to overtake the wild and habitual tendencies of animal, plant, and stone – but we also impact the very fabric of the planet. In this way, the process of evolution continues.

It is our great joy to keep in the forefront of our minds that all existing forms, everything we see with our physical eyes is hiding a light. That the form is but a physical sheath housing a divine fire.

Perhaps the first words ever spoken were not just a command that the great void give way to form, and life come into being. Perhaps they were meant to be words of eternal guidance for the human race which was about to be born. Echoed trillions of times over epochs and millennia, the first words ever spoken still direct our evolution. “Let There Be… Light.”