Right Use of the Mind

The power of thought is tremendous. This we know and seek to use for the common good. Group meditation is the most potent way yet developed of using this thought energy. The practice of group meditation is increasing all over the world as never before.

With this background and powerful influence we can press on to greater usefulness of our individual thought in daily expression. Our thought life is more important than our daily action. At first blush this may seem exaggerated and a bit unreasonable, but it is not so. What my thought is mostly focused upon all day every day has a far greater effect on what sort of a person I am than any other one factor in my life. We are not half using the potential of our thought power and are held down by our thought habits. The ultimate essential contribution of the human family to the Plan for humanity during this world cycle is spiritually-controlled thought. In this we seek to participate.

It is the function of the human kingdom on this planet to develop the mind. It is the ability to think which is humanity's unique contribution to the entire planetary process. Therefore, it is clear that our thought life is of transcending importance. If it does not express our soul life purpose we fail. If it does not carry the quality of love we are selling our birthright

Out of each day's working consciousness, how much time do we use in thought? Do we think as much as we think we think? Or how much of the time do we simply register the fast flowing types of energy in which we are immersed? We live perhaps more automatically than we realise. When we do think, what do we think about?

Surely it will repay us to take a little time at the end of each day to review what that day has included by way of thought. How much we have thought and what we have thought about makes us what we are. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

In ordinary parlance we consider anything which is effective as practical. To the mind, getting results is only conceivable in relation to what it knows. If the mind knows nothing about soul values all ideas relating thereto are impractical. It is impossible to rationally consider practicality unrelated to an objective. The human soul using the mind has objectives superior to the objectives of the personality. There are considerations and values in soul consciousness, which are intensely practical for its own objectives, which have no effectiveness for the more restricted materialistic objectives of the personality. To the amazement of the ex­panding mental consciousness, the practicality of the soul potencies demonstrating increasingly superior power has to be admitted even while not yet understood. This liberates personality emotional desire to gain soul consciousness. Thus the personality becomes a spiritual aspirant. The drive of the process of evolution itself will make every person a spiritual aspirant someday, but anyone can step forward ahead of that slow evolutionary process if he or she so chooses.

Spiritual aspiration is an epic step in evolution in wanting spiritual values more than material values. It is a point of victory for the human soul. It opens the door to a new expanded consciousness. To help people become spiritual aspirants is direct cooperation with the Plan. The goal of material success is inherently separative and competitive. The goal of spiritual aspiration is inherently integrating and cooperative. The aspirant, whether he knows it or not, has begun to seek soul contact and has started to leave behind greed, injustice and cruelty. He is no longer blocking the spiritual progress of humanity. He has changed from a liability to an asset.

We live in a dangerous era, between the old Piscean age and the new Aquarian age. Change is inevitable and quick. The lower mind seeks progress provided it does not upset accepted ideas, at least not much.

Entering the new age takes a bit of daring. The Christ needs fearless disciples. Courage is a spiritual asset. This is of the fruits of strong faith. In the old days faith was belief in outer authority and did not require reasonableness. In the new age faith will be even more powerful in controlling life because it will transcend belief in outside authority and become reasonable, inner conviction. The effect of spiritual values will become very practical indeed.

Adapted from 'Reflections' by Foster Bailey