The Light of the World  

The Light of the World

Christine Aagaard

We are now a week after the Wesak festival in the sign of Taurus with its keynote; I see and when the eye is opened, all is light. Light can be understood both from the vibratory angle and philosophically, from the angle of true knowledge, that is the soul. We live and move and have our being within a field of vibratory activity, energies of differing vibrations that constitute differing levels of light. From an esoteric perspective however, we know that all true esoteric activity raises vibration producing greater light and illumination, whereby the inherent light of substance is intensified and qualified by the higher light of the soul. There are four types of light substance that affect all forms of life on our planet. We have the light of the sun, the light in the planet itself (its own inherent radiance) and a light seeping in steadily and gradually from the astral plane that is slowly fusing with the other two types of radiance. The fourth type comes from the mental plane—a light in its turn reflected from the realm of the soul. The quality of light substance, we read, has changed several times during the ages, and as it has changed it has produced corresponding mutations in the phenomenal world. It is this fluctuation in the quality of light that has brought changes in the animal, vegetable and human lifeforms over history. We are at the later stages of a cyclical change in light that began around the time when the uses of electricity were discovered. It was this change in light that was the cause of the discovery, and it is electricity’s widespread use that is one of the things which is inaugurating the new Age. This current cyclical change in light continues until 2025 where it will then stabilise at its new level. This relatively new light which is now peaking in power is helping to dissipate the veil between the astral and physical plane; it is creating rents within the dividing etheric web which is permitting a more rapid inflow of light from the astral plane. As this astral light, which has a starry radiance, blends more closely with the light of the planet it will have significant physical effects upon humanity and the other three kingdoms in nature. It affects for example, the structure of the human eye which will slowly adjust to the potency and intensity of this new light and this will eventually bring a widespread ability to see the nature of the etheric. The infra-red and ultra-violet array of colour which are at present hidden from view will become evident to an increasing majority, people will see within the form and the multitude of lives that exist there. They will become aware of previously unseen colours and realms of great beauty and translucence that make up the world around them and the higher plane colours will be glimpsed and sought after. 1 We are told that it is also a time, the first time in human history, where the three spiritual centres of Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity are unitedly focused on the same objective which is an intensification of the Light of the World. An objective that will receive significant impulse with the reappearance of the Christ who is self-proclaimed as ‘The Light of the World’. With Him there will come an irradiation of matter in a fashion unknown before that will flood humanity bringing illumination to minds and hearts and bringing light into all the dark places of human living. 2 This illumination is in evidence everywhere in the world today, the darkness and that which has in the past been so well hidden is being forced into the light and the public mind is increasingly aware as to that which is in need of transformation and redemption. It is happening in all areas of human living and much of this great revealing process is thanks to electricity because it powers our communication systems, such as the internet and media. This is having a profound effect on the astral plane placing it in a state of great turmoil. The inflow of buddhic energy on to the astral that comes as the Christ makes His reappearance is also bringing about a release of the energy of goodwill into the hearts of people everywhere predisposing them towards right human relations and inspiring a deep desire to make right the corruption and suffering that is being revealed on every hand. When the Buddha was on Earth and achieved illumination, He ‘let in’ a flood of light upon the world and through His enunciation of the Four Noble Truths he brought greater understanding of the human condition and the problems humanity faces. His body of disciples formulated those four great truths into a structure of dogma and doctrine that, by the power of collective thought, has greatly helped in the attack upon world illusion.3 Today the Christ and the New Group of World Servers are carrying forward the same great task and striking a second blow at world glamour. It is however, only the intuition that can dispel illusion and this is the reason for the current world need for trained intuitives. The service we can therefore render the Christ in this great work is training ourselves in the building of the antahkarana because this bridge links the soul infused lower mind, or group mind, with the higher mind which has access to the realm of buddhi, the realm of the intuition. It is a bridge built in mental substance through the process of meditation. The creative imagination, the power of visualisation and the ability to raise consciousness to the highest available and hold it there at a point of tension forges a link across the mental plane bringing us into contact with the higher realms. Building the antahkarana is a group endeavour because it is a soul endeavour, so it is necessary when taking on this training to do it as part of a group who then work together to raise their combined light and build in that light. This brings to mind the Tibetan’s words, ‘Pisces has seen, during two thousand years, the spreading light; Aquarius will see the Rising Light, and of both of these the Christ is the eternal symbol. As we go into our meditation, let us raise our combined light to touch the light of Christ, the light of the world and hold it there at a point of tension.


1 Esoteric Psychology I pg. 102

2 The Externalisation of the Hierarchy pg. 610

3 Glamour: A World Problem pg. 23

4 The Destiny of Nations pg. 149