The Universal Play of Energies

The following remarks were broadcast on the Triangles Webinar on May 1, 2017:

Extra-planetary impulses are affecting the planetary rhythm and these influences are far reaching. There is no escape from the universal play of energies, all proceeds according to law and cyclical activity. The steadily imposing Will of that great Life Who informs the constellation Aquarius is changing the course of human development. The Aquarian Age with its emphasis on group development, service and the doctrine of the heart is upon us. Already its subtle impressions play upon sensitive hearts and minds. The ‘Plough of the Lord’ has well-nigh prepared the ‘soil’, so that the fruits and splendour of the spiritual life can germinate, reveal their inner glory and metaphorically speaking cover the earth with ‘verdure’. A more spiritual culture is gradually superseding our present material civilisation, and religious institutions, dogmas and theologies are giving way to the impulse of the Hierarchy of Light, with its emerging culture of truth - “clear, factual, intuitive and nondogmatic”.

In consciously transforming and geometrically reshaping the planetary etheric, the Triangles Meditation Group is instrumental in magnetising the link between the Triangles network and the Hierarchy. Spiritual triangular patterns of energy sweep throughout the network from point to point precipitating a continuous stream of pure love from realms beyond the cosmic physical. Into a troubled yet awakening world, these pure waves of energy light up human consciousness, touch human hearts and lift the gaze of humanity into the wide expanse and vistas of the heavenly worlds. The clarion call of the Abode of God reverberates throughout the ethers. Those whose ears are attuned and eyes turned towards the light already perceive and interpret the heavenly beneficence here on earth.

It would not be an exaggeration to suggest that the heart of the world group, men and women of goodwill and all spiritually inclined people are bringing about the interaction and blending of the auras of Hierarchy and humanity. Life in the three worlds of human evolution is being overshadowed by hierarchical intention and planning in much the same way that the soul overshadows the personality, and from this there is no turning back. The fiat of the Lord has gone forth and in the three great spiritual centres – the Father’s House, the Kingdom of God, and weary humanity, there is one purpose, direction, and expectancy: ‘May the World Teacher return to Earth’.

Speaking about the world crisis in the mid-1940s, the Tibetan Master had this to say: “This has been an epoch of crisis, and the great moment for which the Hierarchy has been preparing ever since it was founded upon the Earth. Slowly down the ages, men have been trained and prepared for initiation; they have been taught to develop the initiateconsciousness; they have taken then their place within the ranks of the Hierarchy and have —later—passed into the higher centre, Shamballa. Paralleling this line of unfoldment of the individual, there has also been a great though slow expansion of the human consciousness and a gradual steady progress forward into light. It has now become possible to create the New Group of World Servers—men and women sensitive to the inner and newer vision and to the incoming forces and energies. Each group, therefore, whether it is the Hierarchy, the New Group of World Servers, or mankind itself, is wrestling with its own interior problems of response, of recognition and of responsibility.... See you not the beauty of this plan and its synthesising, culminating usefulness? See you not how the present crisis only indicates the success of the previous evolutionary cycles wherein humanity mastered certain lessons? All the post-war planning,the widespread reaction to ideals, and the seething turmoil reaching throughout all levels of the human consciousness, plus the inspiration of disaster and suffering, are blasting open hitherto sealed areas in the minds of men, letting in illumination, sweeping away the bad old conditions.... These expansions in the human understanding will, in the next one hundred and fifty years, completely alter the manner of man's thinking; they will change the techniques of religion; they will bring about comprehension and fusion. When this work has been accomplished we shall record an era of world peace which will be symbolic of the state of the human spirit. Men will then settle down to the great task which confronts all of us in the New Age—the task of dissipating glamour and of bringing about a clearer light upon the astral plane, in the same way that better physical conditions will have been brought about upon the physical plane. All is planned and ordered; the right energies and forces will be available, for the Hierarchy works ever under the Law of Cycles”.The Rays and the Initiations, pp. 238 (adapted)


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