Waters of Life: take a bath in the rhythmic sound of Truth through Silence

The Green Comet

Kathy Newburn


Ancient people were great observers. They saw symbols and patterns in all things and they were keen students of the heavenly movements, over long periods of time. And they correlated the movements in heaven with outer events here below and as they did they came to understand what these movements meant when they reappeared at another time. And that which is true of the collective humanity likewise finds parallels in our own lives and we are challenged therefore to meet these planetary changes with corresponding changes within our own lives.

Through this means the heavens and the earth, as well as groups and individuals, come into a deepened relationship and, as a consequence, begin to understand and work together in greater harmony. Over the past centuries due to our congregation in cities and our consequent separation from the rhythms of the natural world, we’ve lost much of this ability to act as interpreters, not because we are any less capable but rather because we have not trained ourselves to do so and we have too many distractions. We have not paid attention. As we begin to train ourselves to become more aware of the natural rhythms, we can, on a higher turn of the spiral, recover this lost ability.

One such interesting event is occurring in the heavens at this time – the appearance of the Green Comet, known by astronomers by the C-2022 E3 which was last seen some 50,000 years ago. According to Blavatsky, comets are objects composed of the leftovers of suns that exploded as they moved into pralaya, made of ice, dust and rock. Comets have very erratic orbits around the sun making them quite difficult to track. However, their appearance, spiritually understood, is anything but random.

They have long been understood as powerful messengers and ancient peoples placed much attention on their sighting. Records correlated from ancient astrological texts contain many detailed notes on the observation of comets, such as their color, shape, how many tails they had, where in the sky they were pointing and in which constellation they appeared in the heavens. Isaac Newton studied them intensively over the course of his life. Rudolf Steiner spoke of comets as an infusion of astral purification into a system with the comet’s tail acting as a purifying energy moving through the entire system. Dane Rudhyar agreed, stating that comets signaled the intrusion of new energy into an old system and that, as a result, they heralded a period of purification.

We might look at comets as a reflection of a type of intervention, an awakening to the recognition of the fact that new energies are coming in and the old ways are no longer adequate and are in need of renewal. Comets are interesting because they are quite distinct from other heavenly phenomena such as the planets which are able to be tracked on account of their rhythmic patterns and their effects which have been observed over long, long periods of time. Comets lack predictable patterns and cycles that we have yet been able to understand. Perhaps we could compare them to uber Uranian-type occurrences, harbingers of a period of change and disruption–of major events.

All colors in comets except white to the ancients were not considered auspicious but ancients tended to find many astrological considerations in a negative light and today we can look more deeply and find new meanings, more in alignment with our present understanding.

In the summer of 2020 during the onslaught of the lockdowh period we had a visitation from the comet known as Neowise. Because of its white color, its positioning within the heavens and its name which some thought was understood as “new eyes” – unleashed something within human consciousness that was in alignment with the new and incoming energies of Aquarius.

Now we’re in the midst of another comet gracing our skies, the Green Comet which in its trajectory was in alignment with the constellation Corona Borealis which contains a crown of seven stars of the Princess Ariadne, which surely has some relation to the seven stars of the Great Bear, the seven rays, and the weaving for which Ariadne was known as representative of humanity’s task of building the web of lighted energy, the antahkarana and. which relates as well to the Triangles members task of reconstructing the planetary etheric body.

Green is a color, some say, of hope, of renewal, of new life. We know it is also the color associated with the personality ray of our planet, the third ray. The Tibetan spoke of the small new groups that he envisioned gathering around the world as the Aquarian age comes in. He saw these new groups as bringing verdure – which is defined as “lush green vegetation.” We all want healing to be unfolded on our planet and perhaps this energy can aid in the process moving forward.

The fact that this comet is so close to earth that it can be visible to the naked eye, greatly enhances its significance and impact upon the mass consciousness. During this time, let us seek to understand what this event might be seeking to bring to the light of day.