UN Interfaith Week Webinar

Every year, on the first week in February, countless faith organisations from around the world join with the United Nations to observe World Interfaith Harmony Week. There is a full schedule of events taking place as well as information about the Week's history, background and vision at www.un.org/en/observances/interfaith-harmony-week and worldinterfaithharmonyweek.com/

This year World Goodwill and Lucis Trust, together with other NGOs from the Geneva-based NGO Alliance on Global Concerns, are sponsoring a ZOOM Panel discussion to be held on February 1st, 14:30 UTC / 9:30am EST. The theme will be: Uplifting Leadership: inspiring; empowering; inclusive. Register in advance at: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_gp8LIHt4ScOx1xLh8g_BXg

Presenters include: 

Susan R. Madsen - Professor of Leadership, Utah State University

May East - Chief International Officer, Gaia Education

Robert Gass (TBC), Co-founder, Social Transformation Project

Aftab Omer (TBC), President, Council for Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychologies; Founding President, Meridian university.

Details here.