Μοιραστείτε τις σκέψεις σας με άλλους συνεργάτες

On this page we invite co-workers to share their reflections and thoughts on Triangles. You may want to write about your own personal experiences, or how Triangles is helping to reconnect humanity with the divine, or perhaps how Triangles is stimulating the soul of humanity to express spiritual values and principles in everyday life. You may have similar or other related insights you would like to send?

Selected responses will be posted on the Triangles 'Sharing Group Thought' web page and/or in future editions of the Triangles Bulletin.

To submit your reflections, please complete the form below:

Please give your full name and address:

Μεριζόμενοι ομαδική σκέψη

Όλα τα πεδία με αστερίσκο (*) είναι υποχρεωτικά.