The Power of Thinking for Oneself

Inspired by the writings of Alice Bailey and Agni Yoga as well as their own research, authors, trainers and lecturers, Frédérique and Patrice Brasseur, have developed Psychosophy (‘wisdom of the soul’) as a way of exploring the crossroads between philosophy, spirituality and psychology.

We are all co-responsible at one level or another for everything that happens, because it is the consciousness of all of us that generates the worlds in which we live. Educating ourselves to the primacy of consciousness over forms means putting an end to concrete pseudo-solutions and giving our full attention to the power of human consciousness.

Let us therefore not be afraid of the distressing picture that the world presents to us today, or of what is going to happen tomorrow, because everything is a teaching trajectory and in the long term can help the consciousness of people to evolve towards fairer relationships. If today we can be worried about the many fake news stories circulating and growing on the Net, if the manipulation of information, images and sound continue to grow, it inevitably leads humanity to have to develop mental discernment. This is a tremendous breakthrough that is taking shape and will allow us to leave behind the world of “I like-I don’t like” that is so dear to the emotions. This will force humanity to think more and more, which will lead to a reduction in the chain reactions that all too often poison human relationships.

In the same way, the advent of Chat GPT, this formidable programme capable of producing articles or essays by drawing on all the recorded knowledge of the world, by delving into the memory of the knowledge acquired by mankind, is not to be feared; it is an intelligent, highperformance tool, an outstanding compiler that will be able to be used by mankind, but it will never be able to invent anything new, because it does not think.

Alice Bailey referred to humanity’s problem being not that it’s thinking is wrong, but that it does not think. So here we really are, faced with the need to understand what it means to think. This is how we are going to have to gradually differentiate between the knowledge compilation capabilities of ChatGPT, and the real power of thinking for oneself.

We could multiply the examples of what appear to us to be the dangers arising from the progress of applied science and technology to the lives of a growing number of individuals. All right, if we look only at the factual and event-driven appearance of our civilisation, there is cause for concern. But if we look at what is happening from the point of view of consciousness, we realise how much we are learning and how much we are evolving.

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