Education is Paramount

Christine Morgan is Lucis Trust President.

In this digital era, it is all too easy for our eyes to be drawn downward and locked in a state of ‘fascination’ with the products of technology. Whether it is the virtual world of computer-generated realities or the more widespread addiction to smartphones, electronic messaging and social media, a balance needs to be restored. Technology provides wonderful tools that can enhance human interaction and the trend towards unity, but it can also lure us deeper into matter and division. ‘Virtual reality’ aptly describes the deception and illusion that lies along this path.

All things start in the realm of consciousness before they manifest outwardly, so the role of education is paramount in creating a safe and ethical space in a world which has so rapidly become a digital community. There are the intractable problems of misinformation, disinformation, the unregulated use of the internet as well as the use of algorithms with conscious or unconscious bias, and the effect of A.I. on the creative industries. Regulation isn’t easy although a start is being made in earnest, but perhaps the best solution is to recognise the vital need for tackling these issues early on.

Education is about increasing light and the understanding of who we essentially are as human beings. If we live in a filter bubble or echo chamber which only allows us access to the thoughts of others similar to us, we are deprived of life-affirming challenges. By encouraging open discussion around complex issues, we can become better informed and more inclusive.

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